Post hysteroscopy findings

  • 1 reply
  • 61 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I had a further hysteroscopy last week.  This was the first time with NHS Scotland, as I'd had private health cover through work previously (I'm out of work now).

They were lovely.  In fact much better than the private hospital! 

When I saw the surgeon afterwards, she said that the arms of the mirena coil that was in place had wedged themselves into the walls, but it came out okay, no damage.  She also said that there was some suspect tissue that she could see so that's gone off to urgent histology. But she warned me, it's possible that it's the cancer that's there again.

The hysteroscopy in March came back with a very small number of pre-cancer and some grade 1 cancer cells.  So tiny but they were there.  The recent MRI and CT scans showed nothing at all.

It'll be about 10 days before I find out the results, but I've such an overactive imagination, I'm imagining the worst.

My original diagnosis was grade 1 and stage 1 and the cancer was confined to a polyp only so that wasn't too bad as far as cancer diagnoses are concerned.

I know you can't give me answers, but if anyone has had similar I would like to know.  It's just really bothering me that the surgeon could see suspect tissue. 

Post-procedure, it's now 5 days and I've still a little mild cramping, but no painkillers required.  But after some bleeding which went away Saturday, this morning, I've a bloody discharge, a bit like at the start or end of a period.  There's no smell.   I've not had this before, everything has been done and dusted within 2 days.

If it's still there tomorrow, I'll call the doctor, but I just wanted to share with you all, as you're the only ones who can really understand.  My friends are kind, but they've not been in my position.

  • Hi Pendle

    Am glad you had a good experience with NHS Scotland. 

    I am sorry to hear that the consultant feels there may be some suspect tissue that could be cancer. It is always hard to wait for the results and I hope that you will hear quickly.

    It sounds as if your previous cancer was low grade and confined to the polyp but the precancer cells may have shown some changes, despite having the mirena in place. It is perhaps reassuring that your scans were clear so if there is anything going on then it has not been there long. I understand it is difficult when the consultant has said there is suspect tissue but it is only the biopsy results that will say for sure. Once you know what you are dealing with then a plan can be put in place. 

    There can sometimes be a little bleeding following the hysteroscopy and some cramping. If it continues then I would agree it would be a good idea to contact the doctor for some reassurance. 

    If you feel like talking it through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. 

    I hope that the results come back quickly.



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