Itchy ankles

  • 1 reply
  • 61 subscribers

I am 2 weeks in from my 1st treatment. I have started with itchy ankles with a very slight spotty rash, especially in the evenings. Has anyone else experienced this and if so any advice or what to use or what not to use. Thank you. 

  • Hi Topic

    I had dry, irritated and itchy skin during my chemo. I am not sure whether it was the carboplatin or paclitaxel that caused it. I used tamanu balm from tropic skin care as it is what I tend to normally use. Also used non bio washing powder.

    It is worth letting your team know as if it is really irritating they can prescribe something for it. Sometimes rashes can be a sign of a reaction to the treatment. I expect you were given a 24 hour number to call- perhaps give them a ring. I rang several times and often they just gave some reassurance. 

    I hope your next cycle goes well. 



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