Drawing Your Ill Health Pension

  • 4 replies
  • 63 subscribers

Don’t want to turn the post into war and peace, so will keep in concise.  I will be two years clear from womb cancer in November and I have been offered an Ill Health Pension, I’m thinking of drawing the largest lump sum … although I know taking a smaller lump and larger monthly is financially a better decision, but after having cancer its brought into my thoughts about my ‘longevity’ … I know no one is promised tomorrow, but being a cancer survivor puts a different spin on things.  Whilst I know no one can make the decision for me, just wondered what everyone’s thoughts are.  Thanks in advance.  

  • Hello,

    I had vulva cancer in 2022  and after my surgery’s I decided to retire, as tomorrow is not promised. I got professional advise as I was only 61 and not at retirement age.  I would advise you to do the same as my worry was we would not have enough money and not be able to do the things we wanted, I.e. holidays, new things for the home etc. Once my mind was put at rest and everything had been put in place, I felt a lot better and have been able to enjoy my retirement, especially as I am now two years cancer free.

    This is just what I did but I hope it might help you.  Congratulations on being 2 years cancer free.  

    all the best xx

  • Hello Roll On 2023

    I am really pleased to hear that you are 2 years free of cancer.

    I can understand it is hard to make the decision about the pension but understand your reasons for wanting to consider it. 

    You could give the Support Line a call and speak to one of the financial advisors. They would be able to talk this through with you whilst looking at your individual circumstances. 

    Alternatively you could get some advice by posting in the Ask and Expert section.

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  • I am going in for 3rd time today for consult i do not want to lose my clitotis.  Is there any other options then surgery? I'm afraid of surgery .it's very painful . I'm 61 .the same think I will retire after 

  • Hello Jeepin

    im afraid I cannot advise if there are any other options apart from surgery. Your consultant would be the best person to advise. Maybe have a word with the Macmillian nurses.

    all the best x