End of treatment

  • 8 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Had my last of 6 chemo treatments on Monday after hysterectomy in December, what a relief. Then got results from scan today. All clear with no further treatment only follow up checks. I am so relieved to be out of that never ending round of worry. There is light at the end of treatment. Happy days ahead. Good luck everyone x

  • Hi Kaf77

    I am really pleased for you.

    What a relief and well done for completing the chemo. It's not an easy thing to go through. 

    Try to now take it easy and give yourself time to recover after a busy few months. 

    We are still here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • That’s great news, congratulations!!

  •   , That is wonderful news, now’s a time to relax and recharge after all the treatment and the fatigue, sickness etc that it brings. Have you any holidays planned or even a nice place to go out for the day when you feel up to it and treat yourself to something special. Either way i am very happy for you.

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    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • Hi Kaff77

    Just wanted to add my congratulations too. Well done for getting through it. You've done it!

    Look after yourself and take care.

    Penny Xx

  • Just read your post. Fantastic news.  Your message of 'light at the end of treatment' has come at a really good time for me and I'm sure many others. 

  • I was just diagnosed after hysterectomy.  I would love to hear more about your treatment decisions. I am also curious if you had radiation of the pelvic floor. This part scares me.

  • Hi Donna

    Am sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I had both chemo and external beam radiation. Follow up treatment after the hysterectomy is based on stages and grades and a few other genetic factors. 

    My post op pathology came back around 3 1/2 weeks post surgery and that was when I found out what was needed.

    Having any treatment can be scary- is there anything in particular about the radiotherapy that worries you?



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Donna, sorry to hear your diagnosis. I was offered 6 cycles of chemo as preventative treatment. I was afraid as i was told it was an aggressive cancer but on having my final scan was told no further treatment as scan all clear. I was thinking maybe I would be offered radiotherapy of some sort but thankfully not. Good luck to you.