Appointments and tests - question

  • 10 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Hi is there a way of seeing your appointments and test results? Can’t seem to find anything at all on the NHS App and the GP on line records don’t cover hospital info. At the moment i just get a text when they want me to be somewhere Slight smile

  • My hospital doesn’t put cancer appointments and results on the NHS App or Hospital App. You’d need to ask your CNS if you need any clarification.

  • Hi thanks -i know some places do put everything on (we were able to track all my sisters appointments and test results etc which was really useful for her esp blood results during chemo). My hospital doesn’t send letters so it is quite hard to know what is going on when you don’t have it writing sometimes

  • Hiya I think it depends on where you like in the UK as I’m in Manchester and we have an app for all test results and appoints liked to the Manchester University Hospitals. X

  • Sorry it meant to say live and appointments x

  • Hi  

    It may be worth contacting your hospital's PALs team as they can advise what options they have.

    My main hospital trust has a patient care portal that you can consent to, where some letters with appointments or results can be posted. It's very helpful as you get alerted within minutes of a letter being approved.

    I have not yet found a way of seeing my hospital requested blood test results online, like you can for GP requested blood tests, even though all done at same hospital.

  • Hi, just to add that I can see the appointments, letters and test results in my NHS app, though I think it may be my doctors that adds the letters and test results in the GP Health Record section (documents/consultations). It could be worth checking with your GP surgery if they do this (the different App sections aren’t the easiest to navigate as there are quite a few different areas to click on)?

  • Some info appears on my NHS app and some on another app the hospital uses but that says not all departments use it. Improving patient access to information would help me although a friend with cancer hates the idea and doesn't want to know anything. Maybe something we could opt in and out of would be good. 

  • Yes def should be personal choice i think and thank you  super helpful 

  • All nhs hospitals information can be obtained by placing a sars (subject access request) request....if there is no clear number for them ring either PALs or complaint office who should be able to direct you....I've used it a few times to get my copy of ct results, bloods and clinic letters...