
  • 4 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

Is there anyone on here who has had a recurrence within months of finishing treatment and if so, what were your symptoms? I had a total hysterectomy, chemo and radiotherapy, external and internal finishing end of May. I was told NED after chemo. Had a check up in June where I was examined and told all seemed normal. I see oncology consultant in August, no CT scan appointment through as yet.  I feel okay but I am bloated again and have definite lower back pain and pain in my left side (where my lymph nodes were involved). Went to GP and she did a urine test and I have a urine infection. I am on day 2 of antibiotics. Slight discharge but not what I had before diagnosis.  Would just like to hear from anyone who this resonates with. Many thanks. Summer.

  • Hi Summer

    I am sorry to hear that you are having some symptoms that are worrying you. 

    On the positive side you had a check up last month and that you have been to see your GP. 

    I wonder whether some of the symptoms could be due to the urine infection as they can make you feel pretty lousy. 

    My feeling would be (unless there is any change over the weekend) to contact your CNS and explain that you have a slight discharge and some pain and bloating. Mine has always said that anything that seems a bit off or not quite right to give her a call and trust your instincts. It maybe that they can give you some reassurance over the phone or it may be that they could bring forward your August appointment. That would also give the antibiotics a couple more days to work to see if it is the urine infection that is causing the pain. 

    The other thing I would say is that you are very early post treatment and I wonder if any of it could be side effects. I had radiotherapy and it took a few months for things to settle and I continued to have an upset tummy and some bloating. I was also told that sometimes the radiotherapy can cause a change in discharge. 

    If talking it through would help then please do give the Support Line a call.

    Fingers crossed that it is due to the Urine infection and as the antibiotics start to work, you will feel better. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Jane. Both my CNS's have left - I will have to familiarise myself with the new ones. I definitely feel worried and have a niggling feeling but don't know if that's due to general anxiety post treatment. I had terrible side effects from radiotherapy as I had treatment to para aortic nodes too. Once I finished they stopped. However, I do wonder if I'm having late side effects. Thanks for advice. Enjoy the sun Sunny️ 

  • There should be other CNS on the same number/dept at the hospital. 

    It is natural to be anxious and aware of your body after so much treatment- I know I am. I try and look at it that those niggling feelings are keeping us safe. That's why I suggest contacting them- after the weekend- to give the antibiotics time to work. (as long as nothing new develops) 

    I think the nurses will likely to be able to give you some reassurance but they are the experts and they will know if there is any reason to be concerned. 

    Radiotherapy is most definitely not an easy option and it can take a few months to start to really get over it. 

    The checking it out with them will hopefully relieve any anxiety. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane,

    Sorry for delay in reply, I was away. The pains have gone so the antibiotics worked. I'm going to contact MacMillan at my local hospital to see about counselling. I agree that, inevitably we are going to worry, think counselling might help me with coping mechanisms. Thanks for your replies. Take care.