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Hi, I’m 70 years old and  I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer a fortnight ago. Have to have a hysterectomy. Had my MRI and CT scans on Friday. Been feeling quite numb and coping really well. Woke up today and think it has finally hit me. Can’t seem to shake off the feeling that my scans will show it has spread and the fact I have cancer has been at the forefront of my mind most of the day. The waiting for results is unbearable. I know you have all been where I am now and just wondered if any of you felt the same when it finally hit home. 

Best wishes to everyone. 
Sue. X

  • Hi Sue

    It was very similar for me- a bit numb and shell shocked and once the initial tests and appointments were done and I had time to think- it hit me. The waiting is so hard and I would think most of the ladies on here have felt similar at some point. It is really tough. 

    I think for me it was about going with the flow and understanding that it was normal to be all over the place for a while. Some days I was numb, some days scared stiff and some days teary. 

    What helped for me was for some of the time to just get on with my normal day to day things to try and take my mind of it and at other times to just talk to people. I also spent a lot of time going outside for walks and being out in nature helped. 

    I also bought some rubbish magazines and did on line jigsaws- anything to keep busy I suppose. 

    Once I had all my results and I had my appointment with my consultant and a treatment plan to focus on I did feel a lot better. I would hope that by the end of this week or early next week you should know a bit more. I know my results were discussed at a MDT meeting and then I went in to see the surgeon. 

    I can recommend the Support Line if chatting it through would help. They really will understand, as I am sure the ladies on here will. It is really hard with the waiting and it is hard to focus on much else. What you are feeling is very normal- and it is tough. 

    You know where we are if you need us or want to ask anything.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Jane

    I know I willl deal with whatever comes my way. Just having a bit of a wobble today.


  • Just to say I didn't know it was possible have so many different feelings in an hour never mind a day! Time also seems to change with the waiting something I've found really difficult. I've done a few things that are new to me just because I thought the waiting was going to make me explode! Nothing earth shattering but things like extra housework (not me) and rushing off for a coffee out on my own or walking round the block. I've found a lot of comfort from this forum. 

  • Clem16

    Thank you for your reply. 
    I too have tried to keep busy today. I’m feeling a little better this evening. 

    All the best.

    Sue. X

  • Wobbles are to be expected. I hope that you do not have to wait too much longer. Could always give your GP a call if you don't hear soon 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sue, I totally understand! The waiting is the worst bit, but you will get through it - 1 day (or hour) at a time! I found my Macmillan nurse really good to talk to a couple of times whilst waiting, somehow she was able to reassure me, even before my results were available - give them a quick call if you need to, they are there to help and very good at their job!

    I also found myself walking around looking at other people and thinking ‘I have cancer’. It’s a very strange time. I also found myself really appreciating some of the small things in life, especially in nature. 

    Let us know how you get on, thinking of you!

  • Hi Vixxx, Yes it does seem a very strange time. Thank you for your thoughtful words. I understand what you mean about appreciating nature. I am noticing things in nature that I never did before. I am lucky to live in a village that is surrounded by a rural landscape. 


  • Hi, I am in the same boat. Was diagnosed a few days ago and it doesn't seem real! My MRI is next Tuesday but they are saying that it's Grade 1 at the moment.  I share your pain.

  • It’s a very strange journey we are on. My grade was 2-3. Waiting for results of my MRI which I had last Friday. The waiting is awful. I want the results but at the same time I don’t. Thinking of you LolaBear. 
    Sue. X

  • Hi, I am now really panicking because I have pain around my ovary area. I know I've had a cyst here for years but now with the pain from the cyst and spotting again, I am worrying that the cancer is spreading, even though they told me it was grade 1. 

    Hope your results come back OK and that everything is fine/doable. My scan is on Tuesday and I guess they will check everywhere, so I will know soon. I am also writing to my consultant to flag this up because they couldn't even see my ovary on the last ultrasound...stay strong!