Going back on HRT after hysterectomy?

  • 9 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Hi, I’ve been using HRT patches for 3 years, until recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I’ve just got my histology results back after a total hysterectomy and the good news is it’s confirmed as stage 1A, grade 1. I stopped using HRT patches when diagnosed and my menopause symptoms quickly returned (I feel like I haven’t slept properly for weeks!!). I asked the consultant about resuming HRT (lowest dose oestrogen only patch) and they didn’t really offer a clear opinion, only to say it wasn’t contra-indicated. I’ve seen today from the appointment write up that my cancer was ER positive, so responded to oestrogen.

I’m wondering if any of you have gone back on HRT after hysterectomy with ER positive cancer? I can’t quite decide if the benefits outweigh the risks at the moment - I’d quite lack to go back on HRT as there are other long term benefits (as well as sleep!) but if I’m potentially susceptible to ER cancers then not sure it’s worth it??


  • My cancer is endometrial stromal sarcoma, when I first had my hysterectomy they put me in HRT,as my cancer is rare and not enough information to say otherwise. My cancer came back in my lungs, fed by the HRT so please do your research and ask as many questions as possible. 


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    Maya Angelou

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  • Hi Vixx

    Am pleased you have got your pathology results back and they are showing early stage and grade.

    My cancer was ER/PR positive and I was told that HRT was not advised. 

    I wonder whether it is worth giving it time to see if your hormones settle after the hysterectomy before making a decision. My concern would be that if oestrogen originally fed your cancer what could happen if you started taking it again. You could discuss with your doctor as to whether any other forms of HRT might be better or whether there are any safer alternatives. 

    If talking it through would help perhaps call the Support Line and speak to one of the nurses. The number is below.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi

    I was similar to you but decided in the end after talking to the Consultant Surgeon not to go back on HRT. My stage went up to 3 after one lymph node was found to be Cancerous also so that nailed the decision for me. It's hard as menopausal symptoms can be really tough but I'm glad I've stuck to my decision. Think as others have said you could always get further advice may be from the Support Team.

    Good luck with everything.

  • Thanks so much for sharing. I’m so sorry to hear the cancer came back in your lungs. Wishing you all the best.

  • Many thanks Jane, that makes a lot of sense. I think I’ll wait until I can have a more detailed chat with the surgeon at my 6 week post-surgery review! Thanks again.

  • Many thanks for your feedback. I’ll have more detailed discussions with the surgeon before re-starting HRT. Thanks for sharing!

  • Hello  , i have just started HRT patches and my cancer was apparently ER positive too. However the difference with me is that my hysterectomy was back in 2017 and the only reason i have gone on to it now is i was having issues with bleeding and my bone profile is borderline problematic and my risks are low but i was told i was high risk breast cancer when i first had my hysterectomy so i was very concerned and i still am about the risks of HRT. I completely agree with   please do your research and don’t feel rushed into making any decisions, what you decide has to be the right balance between the pros and cons and as any decision we make we hope its the right one. I am 45 now and i had a chat with my Doctor who now believes my risks are less but has given me the contact information for the local breast clinic so i can ask their advice as breast screening don’t start in my area not sure if its the same everywhere but it starts at 51 so i am a little concerned about it but with other problems i have just found out about i am hoping that the HRT will help not to make this latest issues with my heart any worse, as i want to reduce the strain on my body. Although i found out i have had heart issues with the electrical connection between the chambers for a while as its shown up on previous ECG’s that no one told me about as when it first occurred the cardiologist discharged me back to my Gp making me believe everything was ok and it was just a blimp when it wasn't and now the latest ECG i have had has shown heart block and has indicated i may of had a heart attack so i am totally bemused, so please push for as much information as possible about all the  risks and benefits and don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion. I wish i had over my heart now but i certainly made sure to get many opinions on HRT which helped make my decision and I believe at this time its a good option but it doesn't mean it is for everyone as we are all individuals with different perspectives and health . Good luck with your decision and continued healing.

    Sending gentle bear hugs Bear

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  • GBear, thanks so much for taking the time to write such a comprehensive response, I really appreciate it and every opinion is so valuable.
    Wishing you all the very best with your own ongoing health challenges. Thanks again!

  • Hello Vixxx

    I was diagnosed with LGESS way back in 2004 and they prescribed HRT to me after the hysterectomy. I'm amazed that they still do this though. Since stopping the HRT I was able to have stable disease for 14 years and now although my disease is currently progressing they've prescribed an aromatase inhibitor to reduce oestrogen further to hopefully buy more time.

    If your disease is oestrogen receptive you'll be thinking very seriously about taking HRT and I wish you all the best with your future health.