Check-up appointments after endometrial cancer treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 63 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

It's Megan here from the Online Community team. Just posting to let you know Jane, who you will know as one of our lovely Community Champions, has written a new blog. Jane shares her experiences to help others on a similar journey, in the hope that it will provide reassurance if you are about to have checkups after treatment. 

Read Check-up appointments after endometrial cancer treatment- Jane's story by clicking the link. 

You can show Jane your support by reacting to the blog or leaving a comment. Green heart

Best wishes, 

Macmillan's Online Community team

  • Hoping that this will help ladies who are due to have their first post treatment checks and are feeling anxious about what they involve.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I would like to thank you for your support and previous posts. I’m not one to advocate for myself but you inspired me to.

    After my radiotherapy they made an appointment for me but it was the week of my daughter’s wedding, I rang straight away and changed the date. While we were away they cancelled this and made a new one but made it a telephone appointment. This didn’t sit well with me as no one had physically examined me since my hysterectomy. For context my final staging was stage 1b grade 3. Before reading your posts I would have just excepted this and said nothing. I summoned up the courage rang and explained I wasn’t comfortable with a telephone appointment considering my treatment and diagnosis, the secretary was very sympathetic and changed it immediately.

    Your information and continuing encouragement do make a difference so thanks again.