Bladder not quite like it was after laparoscopic hysterectomy - normal?

  • 4 replies
  • 63 subscribers

Morning Ladies, I joined the group recently after being diagnosed for womb cancer. I’ve had a look through the posts but haven’t spotted any insights on my query - I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy 2 weeks ago and am recovering well, however my bladder isn’t quite the same as it was and I’m just wondering if this is normal and temporary or permanent? Don’t get me wrong, it’s working fine, but is slower and feels different when I wee. It doesn’t hurt, just different. I’m wondering if it’s to do with muscles being disrupted during surgery and needing to rebuild? Anyone else experience the same? Many thanks!

  • Hi Vixxx

    Mine was similar for a short time. I think its to do with all the rummaging around they need to do and also swelling inside from the surgery. With me I had no pain from it- just a sort of tender, different feeling. I continued to drink plenty and rest up from the surgery and it passed.

    Best thing to do to be on the safe side is to contact your CNS, explain how it feels, just in case they want to monitor it or take a sample for testing- just in case there is a UTI starting up. But to me- it sounds similar to the early days after my surgery. I was told it can take a while for everything to settle into the new space after everything is taken out-so the organs, bowel etc gradually settle into the space where your womb was. 

    Good luck for your continued recovery and I hope you do not have to wait too long for your post op results to come through.



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  • Hi Vixxx, my consultant told me post op that the bladder “takes quite a battering” during the op from being moved around, and can be a bit sensitive afterwards. I think also that it may position itself differently without having the uterus to keep it in place but that’s just a guess on my part. I think that’s the case with my bowel too. 

  • Many thanks Jane. I have an outpatient appointment with the consultant tomorrow, I’ll mention it, though it doesn’t hurt, just a bit weird - new normal maybe?!

  • Thanks Marmitefan59, to be honest my bladder did end up near the top of my right leg after the op - I was getting a bit concerned that I couldn’t wee after my op even though I’d drunk a litre of water and they scanned for my bladder and it had moved a fair bit! Hopefully it’s working its way back now! Thanks again for the reply.