First check up after all treatment has ended

  • 3 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi ladies I was wondering what the first check up entails after you have completed your treatment.

I’ve been told that I’ll receive an appointment about 8 to 10 weeks after it has finished but don’t know what happens at the appointment.

So I would like to hear your experiences please.

Thank you


  • Hi Ange19

    I actually have one tomorrow. My check ups are every 12 weeks for 2 years and they have all been the same.

    I always get anxious before hand but the actual appointments never last long and have always been ok.

    Firstly they will welcome you and ask how you are feeling generally. They will ask about any side effects from the treatments and go into these a bit more if you need to. I would say for me so far this has taken up the majority of the appointment. I get asked about the radiotherapy side effects- particularly bladder and bowel. And they talk about the chemo effects- for me the neuropathy. Then I am asked about any red flag symptoms eg: any bleeding, pain, weight loss, discharge, change in bowel habits etc.

    After that it is a physical exam. So undress from waist down and onto the couch. First is feeling tummy- they are looking for lumps, tenderness etc and checking for swollen lymph nodes. Next is speculum exam which takes seconds- they use a small one and gently put it in and slowly withdraw it- checking you inside for anything concerning. For the first one, they were also checking healing. Then it is a quick internal where they are checking for anything that does not feel right. Again, it takes seconds and is not painful in anyway.

    Then its a quick chat to say that all is ok and that they will send you an appointment in another 3 months. (might be different time for you) They also normally say that if there is anything before then to give them a call and they will bring me in earlier. 

    If you report any concerning symptoms or if they see something in the examination that needs checking, then it would be a scan and seeing the oncologist. At my hospital they have the same nurse team so you get to know them well. 

    As I say, I always get very anxious, but once there, it has always been a positive experience and I go away feeling reassured. The idea with the regular checks at first is that any recurrence is most likely in the first couple of years and if it is caught early, it can be treated earlier. 

    I hope you are recovering ok from your treatments. I found it a gradual process.

    If there is anything else you want to ask, then please do so.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi

    Thank you Jane for a really good explanation, I  think I will be anxious when I come to my check ups, but it’s got to be done.

    Good luck with yours tomorrow, I hope it all goes smoothly.

    Best wishes


  • Glad it helped. I had mine yesterday and it was exactly as above again. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm