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I'm due to start chemo in 8days and would be grateful for any advice or tips on meals snacks to take to hospital  whilst having the treatment and any other suggestions please 

  • Hi  . Chemo sessions can vary but there are some general tips. It can be a long day in the chair so wear loose and comfortable clothes and shoes/slippers. They should give you a cup of tea and a sandwich but take any snacks that you fancy and some drinks. Phone and charger and something to keep you occupied such as tablet or book. Chemo lounges are usually friendly and upbeat and not all doom and gloom as you may imagine. They may give you anti nausea tablets to take home. Important to take these as prescribed even if not feeling sick. They are to help prevent nausea rather than stopping it if it happens. At home drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Some people recommend a touch of lemon barley to flavour your water to help drinking it. I hope it all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hi Knittynanna,

    I had paclitaxel and carboplatin chemo for endometrial cancer in 2022.

    I would suggest wearing lose/comfy clothes and perhaps layers, so you can take one off if you feel warm. Soft shoes that you can slip on and off easily, without bending down. They weigh you each session so its just easier. 

    I took a light blanket from home on the advice of my CNS and it was comforting.

    We had volunteers that came round regularly with hot drinks, biscuits, sandwiches, yoghurts. jellies and rice puddings. I seem to remember fruit juices being offered. I took in some squash from home. 

    I took and ipad and book/magazines but never really looked at them as found the treatment was long and I felt quite sleepy- so dozed on and off. When awake there were people to chat to. Everyone was friendly and it was a calm atmosphere, light and airy and positive. 

    I took a charger for my phone. I did take a spare change of clothes in case I needed them, but never did. I felt it a good idea, just incase I was sick (I had nausea but wasn't actually sick) or incase I just felt like freshening up. 

    My ward was reclining chairs and there were plenty of pillows etc if you did want to snooze. I also took some wipes to freshen up and also to clean my hands before eating. You can of course go to the loo and wash hands as much as you need, but sometimes it could take a while to get comfy so was quick and easy.

    When you get home you will have a book with all your info in. They will send you home with some steroids for the first few days and also anti nausea to take. You will also be given a 24 hour phone line to call with any worries. I would recommend getting a reliable thermometer and to monitor your temperature at home. Changes in temperature can mean infection and this is something you would need to act quickly on. 

    If there is anything in particular you want to ask, please do so.

    I wish you well with your chemo. It isn't easy but people do vary and the chemo drugs and regimes vary. I found that most side effects were manageable. Plenty of rest and go with the flow. Just see how it affects you and call if you are concerned. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you that really helps

  • Thank you so much Jane that's really helpful 

  • I was really fearful before my first one but once I had that one done, it did feel easier as I knew what to expect. It wasn't always easy but it was nothing as bad as I felt it would be and there is plenty of support both from the hospital and on here. Good Luck


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks for the reassurance  jane