Just had total hysterectomy + BSO - early results in

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Hi, I have previously posted about my post menopausal bleeding that occurred in Feb 24 for 10 days and then later developed cramping and bad pelvic pain and then lower back pain, I then also had additional spotting and more recently had 2 episodes of bright red blood from ones vagina area. So this resulted in 2 ultrasound scans and hysteroscopy with showed a polyp which was removed and also biopsies.  Histology was all clear for cancer and pre-cancer.

Yesterday I had a laparoscopic total hysterectomy(uterus and cervix) + BSO (both ovaries and tubes). I am still in hospital but hoping to be let home tomorrow. Pain is bad and no bowel movement despite suppositories and laxatives. 

So, my lovely Consultant Oncol Gyne chap said that my womb was completely stuck to my bowel so he had to spend extra time to dissect the womb away which he managed without any complications. What has thrown me is that he has diagnosed Endometriosis. I am 53 next week so was amazed to hear this. He said there is none in my actual womb, it is all in my lower abdomen/pelvic area which again he had to remove and that is also why my womb was stuck to the bowl. I also have unexplained scarring in my actual uterus which he found during the hysteroscopy. He was unable to see all of the uterus due to this scarring. He said this scarring is not linked to the endometriosis. He has also found ‘something’ in my left abdomen. Sounded like a nodule of sorts but not a polyp, he said it could be related to the endometriosis but either way he took it out and will send it off to the lab with all of my other bits. 

I suffered with extremely heavy periods and chronic period pain when I was younger and he believes this will be the endometriosis. He said I had no fertility issues as there was none in my ovaries or tubes.  I have also had bowel issues over the years which they put down to IBS which I did not believe. Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy were clear. 

So everything does add up to Endometrioses. Still have to wait for the new histology results and he has told me to come off my Everil Continue HRT patches for 6 weeks which is when my follow up is with him.

So, no cancer so far and feeling more positive that is won’t be bad but the ‘something’ he found is of concern to me although he did not sound particular concerned. 

So, my advice to ladies out there with post menopausal bleeding is to see your GP who should automatically refer you on the 2 week cancer pathway like mine initially did, although I declined that due to private medical insurance. 

Wishing all of you awaiting answers good luck. 

  • So pleased you have had somewhat of an explanation for the scarring. Wishing you a speedy recovery and uncomplicated final results xx

  • thanks, hope you doing well following your radiotherapy 

  • Thanks  I’m doing fine. The daughter comes back from New Zealand to get married this month so it’s going to be very emotional. We have a blissful 8 weeks with her Grinning

  • that’s fabulous. Enjoy every moment. 

  • Wishing you a speedy recovery. I found All Bran has helped with the bowel problem and it is easier to resolve once you are home.

    You are remarkably lucid after your surgery, I couldn't even see my phone!

  • Noted re the all bran, thanks. Surgery was on monday so I am back from fairy land where I was for a while lol. 

  • I had my hysterectomy last night and my consultant has just come back to me saying that there was very bad scarring in my uterus and that I probably had endometriosis in my menapausal years which I’m sure I would have remembered …. I’m totally baffled too he said to see him in two weeks to get the results … but like you I’m totally baffled and confused also worried x

  • Hi Lafer, I feel your pain. I stayed an extra night in hospital due to the discomfort and came home on Wednesday afternoon. I am feeling pretty miserable and sorry for myself and just a fair bit of pain but hubby is looking after me well. Trying to move around as much as I can but I walked up the stairs and down the stairs earlier and it has wiped me out. 

    I too am overweight at almost 16 stone. I have not eaten much at all since the op and I am hoping to try and keep with a reduced diet. 

    My consultant said he won’t see me for another 6 weeks although the appointment has come through for 18th July which is 8 weeks. So I am guessing that if I don’t hear back from him in between now and then that histology must be ok but time will tell.

    I agree it is all very confusing to have never been told we had endometriosis before. 

    So as someone who is a few days further along than you my advice is to keep drinking lots of water, I am only eating wholemeal rice, broccoli, soup, raspberries and apples with skin on as all good in fibre as only had first bowel success today lol. Message me if you want to chat x 

  • Ah thank you I’m not feeling too bad been up again and have just a little pain did you have robotic surgery ? But yes this was s a total shock to me … I will keep you posted in two weeks when I see my consultant… and if you need to chat just reach out … sending you a hug and hope you feel better soon x

  • Glad your pain is under control. No was not robotic. Fingers crossed for good results x