Ways to deal with anxiety - let’s share ideas!

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  • 67 subscribers

Anxiety is a side effect of our diagnosis and we all have to face it every day, no matter whether we are pre op, post op or post treatment. Especially when waiting for tests and results!  So I thought it might be an idea to share here about what we’ve found that helps.

For me, I love word games. I discovered an app called Words with Friends (I like Words with Friends 2) the year I was diagnosed - it’s like Scrabble and if you’re lucky enough to find good opponents, you can get quite a good back and forth regular game! My opponents are mostly in the USA so are typically on in the evening or nighttime, which means I always wake up to it being my go! I usually have a dozen or more games on the go at a time! I also play a rather simple app based on The Simpsons which is called Tapped Out and you basically just collect and buy characters and buildings, have tasks to do, collect revenue from buildings, and I like it as it requires virtually no skill or concentration! 

I also love getting out into the New Forest (two miles from us) and listening to birdsong and watching and experiencing nature all around me.

What do you find helps you?

  • I downloaded the word game and it’s safe to say I may be addicted Joy Thank you I love it.

    I’m waiting for my planning appointment it shouldn’t be too long now. I am prepared however as I have read your thread and will be implementing all tips.

  • I’m Manda59W on Words With Friends 2  if you happen to see me pop up as a suggestion to play! I’m on Level 27 so you can see how long I’ve been playing! 

  • I’ve always loved going for walks and looking at nature around me, and this has become even more important to me since my cancer diagnosis in late 2021. When I came home from hospital the day after my hysterectomy I went for a slow gentle 5 minute stroll round a mini block near my home, and because I was walking slowly I decided to make sure I looked closely at the shape of leaves, branches, any winter flowers that were out, as I walked by. And I carried that on as I did my 2 x 5 mins walk every day after that, and then as I increased. It had the effect of making me pay far more attention to small things in nature - like fungi, lichen, moss etc as well as leaves and flowers. And as for bird song - wow! I downloaded a free app called Merlin Bird ID and you literally just click a button and it tells you the probable sort of bird that’s singing the song, it’s so exciting!