What to wear going in /out hospital

  • 7 replies
  • 64 subscribers

I have  got loose trackies for going in and out of hospital 

but not sure wear on top with them 

and in my feet as well so easy to slip on ?? 

thanks so much 

  • Forget about any fashion statements aim for something loose and comfortable which is relatively easy to get on and off. Any type of pull on trousers are good so trackies should be fine as are other trousers with elasticated waists. Maybe a loose fitting jumper or sweat shirt? I would also recommend 'big pants' that cover and don't chafe the incision. Avoid shoes with fastenings or laces as you won't want to bend down. Any form of slip on shoe should be OK. I would also take a nightie rather than pjamas as they are more comfortable. I think there is a thread somewhere with suggestions about your overnight bag so, perhaps, someone will be able to provide this. I would also take some pads in case you have any bleeding. I took a whole pack but in the event I didn't need to use them but better safe than sorry!

  • Hi Wave

    I took loose night clothes but had a hospital gown on after surgery and that was replaced the next morning as I was offered a fresh clean one. I took that option as I was bleeding (not much).

    Take slip on slippers as well as shoes.

  • I often wear trackies anyway so I just wore trackies, a t shirt and a hoodie like normal! I took a giant XXXL t shirt to wear post op and bed socks, It was nice to be able to get changed out off the hospital gown and into my soft cotton jersey t shirt. I had purchased a pack of pants a size bigger than normal but didn’t need to wear them. I wear high leg pants anyway so almost a full brief anyway and they didn’t interfere with my wounds. Unlike some I didn’t have any trouble bending to put shoes on but I was careful.

  • Loose trackies sound perfect, as nothing tight around your tummy. Anything loose, stretchy and easy to put on. 

    I took in some t shirts and a loose jumper. Think loose, comfy clothes. Nothing restrictive.

    I did buy some bigger knickers as these were more comfy around my tummy. 

    I took in nightie rather than pyjamas but never wore it as I was in the gown and then got dressed properly. 

    For shoes I took in fabric slip on trainers that I could put on without bending down. 

    I took in a couple of spare changes of clothes in case I was sick or bled on anything- however they were not needed.



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  • My op was 5 years ago, but I remember it vividly. I bought 2 maxi dresses - both flared from the bust and looked lovely but we’re really comfortable. I came home home in one and wore trainers with them. Though I say it myself I looked fabulous. I think it’s fine to go for comfort but I feel better when I know I look good. I’m 66 and style still matters to me:)) 

  • For me, comfort is key, especially when going in and out of the hospital. I usually go for loose trackies and a soft hoodie since they’re easy to get on and off.

  • Hi

    I wore a nightie after surgery, as I felt a nightie was better than pj’s and when I came out of hospital I wore a hoody dress that I had previously bought, which was great, as you put it over your head, went down to my knees and was baggy just what you need.  I also had my surgical stockings and a pair of ankle boots!  I probably looked a bit ‘quirky’ but at least I was comfortable.  
    God luck 
