End of Year thoughts

  • 3 replies
  • 62 subscribers

As we end another year........wishing all you lovely ladies on this group a peaceful end of year 2023 and a Bright Happy, healthy New Year 2024, whatever part of the journey you are at. Thankyou all for posting, encouraging, giving hope and sharing your lives with us all. 

A big thank you to our Community Champions, who are never far away and respond quickly to new posts directing many to the information needed at a touch.

Sending big love to you all.

Maddy xxx 

  • Hello  

    What a lovely post to wake up to - thank you. 

    I echo your sentiments. We are all going through such life changing experiences and I value each and every post. I feel part of a caring community and I know that we are in this together.

    I wish you all peace and love and the best health possible.

    Kim xx

  • It’s good to hear from you Maddy. We were diagnosed about the same time, had our ops at the same sort of time; your cancer was a higher grade than mine, though my stage was higher, and we had different treatment plans. Thanks for the off group contact, it was important to me and helped. May you have a happy and healthy 2024.

  • Thank you Maddy- Happy New Year to everyone too.

    Whatever part of our journeys we are on, we can still share and support others. This forum and the friendships built on it have been invaluable to me. 

    If anyone needs support on here, please do reach out xx

    Happy New Year


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