Bleeding after Mirena Coil

  • 9 replies
  • 61 subscribers


Quick question..I had a mirena coil put in last Sunday whilst I wait for my hysterectomy, after atypical hyperplasias was found in a polyp, which was postponed due to my blood sugar levels.

This morning I have had some bleeding (only when wiping) I know you can get bleeding on and off in the first few weeks but everything I’ve read seems to be about pre menopause.  Does anybody know if it can also happen when you are postmenopausal?  

  • Hello Duffers Mum

    I think it is something that is best to mention to your CNS or doctor. I had a phone number for my nurse team with an answering machine that you could leave questions on and they would get back to you during the day. Maybe you have something like this? 

    Hopefully they will be able to give you some reassurance but I think personally I would check as you have only recently had the coil put in.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I don’t have a CNS..I will ring GP tomorrow and ask if 5he nurse can ring me back..I’m sure the consultant said it might cause sone spotting when he first mentioned it but I wasn’t really taking everything in…it won’t make much difference anyway I guess as my hysterectomy should be in September so the outcome is going to be the same…I did have a biopsy taken last week before they out the mirena in so it could also be due to that (although I think it’s a bit long since it was done) I’d just like a period of time when I don’t have worry…it’s getting me down 

  • Yes, I understand- it can seem like one thing after another

    . Although its been a week since the biopsy I actually had a bit of bleeding still after a week and I wonder whether having the mirena put in as well as irritated where they took the biopsy from as well?

    I think its just better to get the reassurance/clarification rather than worry and if there is something that needs checking, they can sort for you. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I had some bleeding after the biopsy last week but it stopped after a day, when I had the polyps removed it lasted 14 days…I’m guessing that as progesterone helps thin the womb lining and my lining was approx 8mm it could just be that’s what’s happening but it’s only a guess…it’s definitely getting heavier though now, like a period…ah I’m sick to the back teeth of it all, I really am

  • Yes I would think the the progesterone is also getting to work. Just get some reassurance and they might also be able to tell you how long to expect it to last. I can understand it's getting you down. I did get fed up with the bleeding during the time between diagnosis and surgery (4 weeks)- it just gets you down and makes you feel yucky. I had lots of extra baths during that time just to freshen up and feel more myself


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Update on this…been bleeding for 4 weeks now…I’m so cheesed off with it..spoke to consultant who said just stick with it as it’s only for a few months (only a man could say that eh!)

    GP has given me some medication for when we go away in just over a week which should help but suspect the bleeding will return once I’ve stopped taking them.  

    I had literally a tiny amount of bleeding both times with the PMB so this is not nice…however latest womb biopsy has come back normal which is good..they’ve all been normal, just the atypia hyperplasia found in one polyp..hoping it stayed there and has now been taken away but you never know do you?

    Hysterectomy is scheduled for 18th September. I’ve lost 18.5lbs in 6 weeks and my blood sugar HbA1c level has come down from 106 to 53, so it’s halved in 4 weeks, hopefully I’ll get it back within normal range before my op, I’m delighted with my progress with both.  I now have 2 holidays which I’m going to enjoy but will be eating sensibly on both!

  • Thanks for the update. Am glad your biopsy came back as normal. Your weight loss and blood sugar so far is great. Well done. I hope you enjoy your holidays and can relax a bit before September comes.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Duffers Mum

    I am not post menopausal but do have Mirena coil. The standard (ie irrespective of menopause) Mirena coil leaflet i was given states "Bleeding: some bleeding is common after the Mirena is inserted."

    I have been bleeding daily before and after the coil. I also have significant thick/near solid discharge since coil which I believe is just the womb lining shedding - in my case, exactly what the consultant was trying for.

    But if you are concerned, I'd suggest a quick chat with whichever team advised you to have the Mirena coil, may be helpful.

  • I have spoken to the consultant, it’s just one 9f those things which happens with some women, I’m sticking with it as I need the progesterone, it will be out in September when I have my hysterectomy x