Watery discharge after hysterectomy

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Innate keyhole hysterectomy just over six weeks ago and had bleeding immediately afterwards which gradually reduced and became pale until it stopped completely about ten days ago.  Yesterday I noticed that i had a watery discharge, not smelly and quite clear.  By the end of the day my pants were quite damp although as it had been very hot I wondered if it was sweat too.  Sorry to be so graphic!  I wouldn't say it's a heavy discharge but today I am wearing a panty liners just to feel secure.  I have to admit that I may have overdone things a bit as I am feeling so well.  I moved furniture about and emptied a cupboard, cleaned the shower screen energetically and did quite a lot of shopping.  On Friday I mowed the lawns.  So it might just be a reaction to all that.  I promise to take it easy today.  But it is scarey because the original symptoms of my cancer started just like this.  Has anyone else had this?  Xxx

  • Hi hysteria,

    ive not had this but I did have fluid leak from my wound after surgery, it only stopped after six weeks when it properly healed. I'd give your CNS a ring and let them know what's happening, they might want to check you over or send you to your gp (to rule out infection, etc). 

    Please take it easy at least until you hit the three months, although you feel great things are still happening on the inside, I didn't get back to cleaning with gusto until six months. I was doing things but I was taking it really easy and stopping as soon as I felt a twinge. I was told that it takes one to two years for things to heal properly on the inside. I know it's a giant pain when you feel well but I was telling myself that pushing too hard could cause prolapse and I definitely didn't want that! 

    Lots of love 


  • Hi hysteria, 

    It may not be anything but I second Arla’s advice to get yourself checked out. Your CNS or GP will hopefully be able to confirm there’s nothing amiss and if it’s the start of an infection they’ll be able to give you something to clear it up quickly. It’s scared, I agree, and it’s so hard not to second guess and jump to the worst case scenario once you’ve had a cancer diagnosis, but as my Gynae-oncologist gently reminded me, we still get all the usual infections, viruses etc as everyone else, it’s just that but harder to keep things in perspective. He also told me it can take a year or more to heal fully internally and it’s eadybto overdo things. 

    Rest up today and enjoy the sunshine and please let us know how you get on  x

  • Take it easy , your still healing and moving cupboards etc not the best to do. I say this from experience I did all the wrong things early on because I felt so great its easy to forget yourself during this time. Like what has already been said call your CNS let them know and a trip to the GP will do no harm as they can check things too. Look after yourself and sending you some gentle hugs

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  • Thank you GBear, Fairycake and Arla,  well, it doesn't seem to be happening today so far and I'm taking it very easy.  I'm at Hull tomorrow for my radiotherapy planning session but if it happens again illI  ring the nurse on Tuesday.  Im really thinking it was a combination of overdoing it and the heat. (not to mention all the excitement of the football) .  As you might have realised I'm not good at doing as I'm told but this has given me enough of a fright to slow me down!  Have a lovely Sunday ladies and don't forget the suncream.  Xxxx

  • Hi hysteria, now I’m going to tell you off because I know you would if I had done all you did at six weeks, I’m sending you a virtual smacked hand, I told you I can’t wait for the day you get the all clear, the all clear will only come once treatment is complete, your treatment is only just starting and you should still be in rest mode, that really was far to much , please promise me you will take it easy now, I know it’s hard when you feel so good, but you can’t see what’s going on inside so to be safe, be careful Hun, apart from that you worry hysterically just like I do, so why put yourself through all that just to worry now because you know you shouldn’t have done it, worrying have you strained etc etc ........ anyway that’s you told off, interestingly going back to your original symptoms yours sounded exactly like mine, I only had clear watery fluid with the occasional pink spotting, I used to wear liners every day just incase, and like you if I didn’t my underwear would also be very damp, one day I was at the bus stop and I honestly thought I had come on I said to my mum omg is there blood on my skirt, there was nothing, I got home and it was the fluid again, it was an awful way to live, since my op I have had nothing, no blood , no fluid nothing and it feels good not to wear those awful liners every day, I literally take my underwear off now and it’s is totally dry, this is probably to much info I know, but I’m so happy, like I said to you the other day, I feel better than I have in two years, this is one of the reasons, such a small thing in some eyes, but a big deal to me, I walk in confidence now and it feels so good, that op solved many problems for me, things that I never even realised were associated, even my bowels work properly but don’t worry I won’t go there lol, please look after yourself my lovely, you have years to mow lawns and move furniture, just give yourself this 3 or 6 months, whatever you need, because in the long run the more careful you are now, the quicker and better you will heal long term, lots of love and hugs xxxxx

    Don’t ever give up hope, there are earth Angels all around us and Miracles really do happen xx 
  • Oh Lara, I now consider myself well and truly told off and I do promise I won't overdo things like that again.  Its interesting reading that your symptoms were like mine and the incident at the bus stop.  Because inhad a day like that when I was standing by the photocopier at work waiting for a big load of papers.  And I felt the fluid just literally pouring out of me .  Luckily I was wearing a pad because I had been having a discharge before.  I was sonuncomfortable.  The pad was wet through but hadn't soaked through anything else.  But that was the day I realised there was something absolutely not right and I was at the doctors a day or two later.  Hope you're having a lovely weekend Hun, I promise to be good xxxx

  • Good girl hyst, you know it makes sense lol, the weird thing is, not many people had the clear fluid like us, many had heavy bleeds, this  is why I assumed it was hormonal, it’s scary really to think I could have kept on ignoring it, I was only checked because the diebetic nurse kept finding blood in my urine, otherwise I would still be sitting here now assuming it was my age and perimenopause, I’m so glad now that I was pushed, I would have easily let it go , enjoy your weekend, good luck tomorrow and thank you for promising to be good now

    lots of love xxx ( did you get my last email, I know the site works so we talk here now, I just didn’t want you to think I had not replied on the email address) xx

    Don’t ever give up hope, there are earth Angels all around us and Miracles really do happen xx 
  • yes, o did get your last email hun and I think that was about time the site was mended. Its good to have each others contact details though in case it falls over again. I agree with you about symptoms, were warned as bout heavy bleeding or post menopausal bleeding but the fluid discharge doesn't get much publicity. Thank goodness you got it checked though. I think we just sort of know when somethings not right. Xxxc

  • Hey Lara,

    i had the fluid too, as you know my head was in the sand and I just thought, oh that's a weird period lol. I wore giant pads every day for years, it is great to be rid of them, I must be saving a fortune too! 


  • I also had fluid, I don't even know how long for it just seemed to be part of life after the menopause.  Then I started spotting and I'm afraid to say I didn't immediately do anything about it for a few months as it was few and far between and I hoped it would go away, and then I had a period-like bleed and rang the doctors that same day!

    As the others have said, please don't overdo things hysteria, I was so ultra careful for months after my hysterectomy, just in case I did any damage!  I didn't want to end up back in hospital, it wasn't a nice experience for me!

    Hugs, Lesley xx