• 5 replies
  • 84 subscribers

So after my diagnosis of endometrial cancer from biopsy and the suggested plan of hysterectomy, I attended for MRI yesterday.

I was wondering of the purpose of the MRI and how long results take? It is an anxious time that I know many of you brave ladies have faced.

I think the first time the diagnosis really hit me was when I was in the hospital gown alone in the MRI room.

Any tips on how to get through now until the results would be welcomed please,

Kind regards.x

  • Hi, 

    I had an MRI and a chest x ray after diagnosis and it’s to check if it has spread to any other areas. Once the results were back mine went straight to my team where they were discussed at MDT. The time it takes to come back depends on what day of the week your MDT is. I think I had to wait around 2 weeks then I was called back to clinic to discuss. 
    I agree the waiting is the worse bit. 
    thinking of you xx

  • In my local area everything seems to be on a Wednesday re gynae

  • Mine is a Monday and my MRI was on the Friday so results were not back on the first Monday 

  • I’d suggesting contacting your CNS and asking when your MDT meet as that will give you a clue as to when you may hear. I had my MRI and chest x Ray on a Tuesday. My MDT met on a Friday morning, and, luckily, the MRI was back in time for that Friday morning, so I got my results just 3 days after. 

  • Hi Jet1

    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis of endometrial cancer.

    The MRI (or sometimes CT scan) is to check where exactly the cancer is and if there is any spread. So the biopsy is about the grade of cancer and the scan is about the stage of cancer. Both are provisional and finalised post surgery. 

    Its about the doctors having the information they require to plan the most effective treatment. This is usually a hysterectomy where medically possible. For some ladies the surgery is enough. For others some follow up will be needed. 

    My CT results came back around 7 days afterwards. It can sometimes be affected by the day that the MDT meet and also how busy the hospital is. It can also depend on how you will get the results- whether or not you will have a phone call or go in for an appointment. My results were given by phone call- both pre op and post op- but this is what I arranged. 

    Waiting for the results is always tough and I found trying to keep to my normal routines helped. I tried to keep busy where I could but it was hard at times to focus on much else. Hopefully within the next week/ week and a half you will know. In the meantime we are here if you need us. There is also the Support Line if you need it. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm