From surgery to histology results time - Liverpool

  • 5 replies
  • 85 subscribers

I had a TAH & BSO ON 3/3 at Liverpool Women’s for an assumed Grade 1, 1A endometrial cancer. 

Im recovering well and starting to do a bit more each day but I received a letter with a telephone appt for results on 24th April - nearly 8 wks post surgery! This seems crazily long. I’m wondering if this might just be the ‘banker’ and if results came in soon they’d call?

Does anyone else have a similar experience from Liverpool at all?  

Helen x 

  • good to hear you are recovering well.

    Sorry don’t know about Liverpool but that seems a ridiculous long time. I was told 3 weeks after surgery- this was on my discharge notes - but had Christmas and New Year in the way.

    if I was you I would be phoning on Monday to ask why so late.

  • Hi LadyH73

    I was at Liverpool Women's I had my op on the 11th Feb and I had a letter to say it would be 20th March for results, my surgeon was John Kirwan and he rang me out of the blue on the 4th March to give me my results. I had rang my CN the week before as I was a Grade 3 tumor so was concerned about the length of time but she said  my surgeon was on holiday so not sure if my call brought it forward or if it was going to happen and the dates are put in as you said as a banker , give the Nurse a ring on Monday to see if your results are back it might speed it up ? 


  • Hi Linda that’s really interesting! My surgeon was John Kirwan too and he was on holiday the week before my surgery on 3/3.

    They told me around 4 wks for results when I left hospital so I was really surprised when I got the letter & date. 

    thanks for replying, I’ll give it some thought as it obviously isn’t the norm. 


  • I would give them a ring on Monday and tell them your concerns another lady at LW was the same week as me but got her results 2 weeks after me with a different surgeon she was the same predicted grade as you and remained that with no follow up treatment so fingers crossed for you I knew I would need treatment with it being aggressive so maybe that's why mine changed. 

  • Thanks Linda & all the best to you x