Brachytherapy process

  • 10 replies
  • 83 subscribers

Hi all

I’m having my first brachytherapy treatment tomorrow and have read the information about how it’s done and having to strip from the waist down.

Strange question probably but does the process mean I need to wear a bra with no metal in it? 

  • I kept my bra on for my brachy and it has a metal clip. As I did also for my external radio along with my jewellery, I was told that the no metal thing is for MRIs.

  • Thank you. I wondered because every time I go for the external therapy they always ask about my bra. I bought some pull on no metal ones and wear them but they are uncomfortable. 

  • Hi EPI7

    I was allowed to keep my bra on and jewellery when I had my external radiotherapy. I also didn't have to take my watch off. 

    Good Luck for your first session. I hope it goes well.



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  • I didn't need to take bra or jewellery off. The staff covered my lower half with a sheet and were great. It really doesn't take long. I got them to tell me how the time was going which I found helpful. 

  • Had it yesterday and as you said it didn’t take long. However it was much more painful than I expected and I have a reasonable pain threshold. 
    Luckily only 1 more to go so I’ll dose up with painkillers beforehand.

  • Hi EP17 did you tell them it hurt? They might just have needed to use more lubricant. Mine didn’t hurt at all. 

  • Yes it was quite obvious I was in pain when she inserted the first applicator and my being tense didn’t help when she was putting the 2nd one in.

    There was a fair bit of bleeding at the time though that did stop. 
    I’m 64 and haven’t had intercourse since my hysterectomy in November so I wondered if that might have had an impact. Sorry TMI.

    I’m 3B and grateful they are throwing everything at this cancer so I’m going to be better prepared for the 2nd treatment. It was just more painful than I thought it would be.

  • When I had my mini CT and “first fitting” (to get the right size) the nurse told me to tell her if it hurt and she’d stop. And that the aim would be to get an applicator/cylinder size for me that was “snug” without hurting, I also hadn’t had sex since my hysterectomy (since well before it actually) but I had used the small brachytherapy dilator in the few days before, just to get myself used to something being there post op, so I don’t know if that helped. I had my fitting on one day and then first treatment a week after, and second a week after that.

  • I wasn’t offered a first fitting just the appointment for the first treatment. The doctor examined me and from that chose the applicator size. 
    I actually think the size was correct. It was snug when it was all in and I was able to bear it during the few minutes treatment took but it was the initial insertion of the 2 parts, specifically pushing it up  to the top of the vaginal vault that hurt.

  • Different hospitals do things differently - some do mini CT and first fitting at a separate appointment, some combine it with the first treatment. I’d suggest you tell the nurse that it hurt because then they can use more lubricant and maybe take a bit more time.