How long does the MDT team take to contact you?

  • 11 replies
  • 82 subscribers

I had an ultrasound a week ago and a CT with contrast on Saturday. The nurse reassured me the team would meet yesterday and in my head I heard “you’ll hear on Monday” but nothing yet.

So how long did it take for you to hear? I’m on the two week track.

Anyone at Nottingham City Hospital? How long did you wait to hear back? Did you get a phone call or letter?

bricks are being shed here.

  • Hi Lupiilu

    My biopsy took around a week to hear back. My post op pathology took around 3 1/2 weeks.

    The MDT meet on Thursday am at my hospital and if there was something to go to the MDT, it was normally expected Thursday pm. If results weren't back in time for one MDT, then it would likely be the following week. 

    Ultrasound result was the morning after the scan. From the scan I was told I would need a biopsy. I was told I needed the CT at my biopsy appointment. About a week after biopsy and CT I was told I had cancer. It was done by phone as this was what I had arranged. 

    There can be variations between hospitals. 

    I hope you hear very soon, it can be hard the waiting.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I am at the same Trust as you. Yes MDT is a Mon and clinics are st the end of the week. I was contacted about a week to 10 days after my MRI to come back to clinic for the results of my MRI and chest X-ray. They did see me the same week as they discussed me in MDT. It takes at least a week for official reports from scans etc to be produced. They wil contact you. 

  • Sorry to add further. I think it will be next Monday afternoon they contact you or Tuesday morning. The CT results will not have been reported on yet. 
    if I can help in anyway let me know as I am at the same Trust. 

  • Hi Jane, thanks so much, that was helpful.

  • That’s brilliant, thanks so much for the reassurance. I would have stressed all week waiting for them.

  • The waiting is the worst. I am currently 2 weeks post hysterectomy awaiting my histology results. 

  • With having a CT on a Saturday, there wouldn’t have been time for it to be interpreted in time to make the Monday MDT especially if they meet in the morning. My initial results took two weeks and two days (my MDT met on a Friday morning and the results came through the previous Friday afternoon so had to wait till the next one) 

  • I’m better now I know it’s Monday they’ll have the results. I was waiting for them to contact me believing they’d met and imagining every scenario why they hadn’t contacted me yet.

    It’s Schrödinger’s cancer. I’m both too far gone to help and not serious enough to contact urgently all at the same time. But now I know they haven’t seen my scans yet, I can be patient because there is no definitive answer yet. Once someone knows, if I don’t, that’s what’s going to get to me. 

  • I’ll keep you in my thoughts and send vibes for good results. In the meantime, here’s my cats, Harley (in the back) and Quinn sharing my home office chair.