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Hi, I’m using the dilators as advised but will soon run out of the lube sachets that were provided with them. Not sure if you get them from doctors surgery or you just buy your own. If you buy your own which make is the best to use and where can I purchase some. 


  • Hi Sue.  I have just started using the dilators and my hospital recommends using "Yes"  water-based lubricant which comes in a tube.   The hospital contacted my GP to request they prescribe it for me, but you can also buy it yourself.


  • Thanks Pattie. X

  • Hi Sue , I was told by a nurse at my Brachytherapy sessions to request it at my doctor's has they would be aware that I would have to use the dilator so I did, and when my husband went to pick up some prescriptions a massive bag arrived for me with 12 x 42 g tubes of Optilube  LOL , I was only expecting 1 tube , I don't know if it was a mistake or they have given me a year's worth so I don't need to ask again LOL, I don't know how much it is to buy but it is worth asking your doctor's for it , take care Gloria x

  • SueB, my brachy nurse gave me a sample of the brand “Silk” but said any water based personal lubricant is fine. It’s not expensive either and can be ordered on Amazon if you don’t want to buy from a shop. 

  • Hi Gloriana,  That is so funny :)     I was only given one tube by my GP, so as a 70++ woman I am going to have the embarrassment of repeatedly requesting "YES".  I just hope the prescribing team realise why I am going to be getting through so many tubes LOL !!!   Pattie x

  • Hi PattieG  I was totally shocked Astonished I think maybe a nurse has noted I will need to use them for a year and as saved me the embarrassment of reordering, the Optilube is a water based gel same as the samples they gave me at the hospital the doctor's new straight away what it was , but I know what you mean about the reordering  it is personal, imagine if I was to order more LOL , take care Gloria x

  • Would like to thank everyone for their replies. I have bought a tube over the internet and will be going to my doctors next month for my annual review so will ask if I can get it from them and if not I’ll carry on getting it over the internet. 

  • Hi Gloriana 777

    Seems you are well stocked with lube. Smile  Loved to have seen your face when you opened the package. 
    My leaking wound finally healed a few days before Christmas and my GP discharged me from daily dressing change. Whoopee! 
    I go for a colonoscopy tomorrow. I’ve been diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome which means I have a faulty gene that makes you more susceptible to any type of cancer. Colon and womb are the main ones. I had colon cancer in 2005 and had follow up colonoscopies for years but they stopped them a couple of years ago. Because of Lynch Syndrome I will now have them every 2 years till I’m 75. 
    Really hope you are ok. 
    Wishing you all the best. 
    Sue. X

  • Hi Sue , sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with lynch syndrome, I was sent a questionnaire from Macmillan but didn't fill it in because I could not answer any of the the questions honestly becauAngry I came from a broken home and do not know of any family members I did know having it but who knows beyond that, the questions where really wild , like has your mother's uncles aunty had cancer , mad  questions you can not answer for someone from a normal background would find hard, anyway I got a letter from Macmillan saying it wasn't likely, but I do not know if they have tested me or not , they took enough blood samples but haven't said that they tested , do they need your permission ? take care thinking of you Sue x Gloria

  • Hi Gloria, think when they tested the biopsy they took at the beginning for cancer it also showed something to do with protein which is linked to Lynch Syndrome. Then about 6 weeks after my hysterectomy I had a consultation where they asked loads of questions followed by a blood test. Results came back 6 weeks later confirming I carry the Lynch Syndrome gene. My two sons and my niece are going to be tested to see if they carry it. If they do they will also have to have regular colonoscopies. 
    All the best.

    Sue X