Had my CT Scan results

  • 6 replies
  • 82 subscribers

I know from looking on this forum that I have had my results through very quickly so yesterday the Nurse rang me to say the Radiographer has said the Cancer has not spread outside of the womb and that hopefully I will have my case looked at when the Hospital team meet next Thursday my hospital will be the Liverpool Women's Hospital , I asked about the aches /crampy feeling since the biopsy she asked if I have discharge /bleeding or a temperature which I don't and said its nothing to worry about its just the healing from the biopsy so that's made me feel better , as usual my mind went blank and even though I had written down question on grade etc. I didn't ask. Quick phone call earlier and I was told its 1a Provisional.

So know to wait for the treatment I have said take it all away having had a sibling die from Cancer ..it started as Ovarian then spread I don't want anything leaving in so hoping for full hysterectomy.

This group has been amazing especially that wait period when you torture yourself as you just want to know what you will have to deal with, so hopefully next week I will be able to update on my treatment plan.


  • Hi Linda,

    That's positive news that it is thought to be contained and at the earliest stage. It is also reassuring that they feel the aches and cramps are just from the biopsy. 

    I can remember once I knew I had cancer I just wanted to get on and have the surgery. It sounds like your MDT is Thursday so I would expect you will hear from them this time next week and hopefully have a plan for the hysterectomy. Most ladies are offered a total hysterectomy plus ovaries and fallopian tubes-and most are offered it via key hole if at all possible. My hysterectomy was straightforward, I had little pain, in hospital for one night and recovered quickly. 

    Am pleased you have found the group helpful. it really does help to talk to people who understand and have experienced similar. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Sorry had a mare replying :-) deleted my post doh 

    sorry to hear you news Linda how we sound as though caught early, very similar to my journey, I’m also at the women’s I had my call and my team met yesterday, my next appointment is Weds 22nd.. hoping to be given plan and date for op.. watch this space, please keep us updated and good luck love Maria x 

  • Hi Maria

    I'm hoping so is the 22nd after the hospital review ? all I have is that I may get a call next Thursday if not the Thursday after I am hoping that I get a call and op date next week ..  we could be ward buddies  !!  and yes lets keep each other updated xx


  • Ah so my appointment next Weds is with the consultant.. the mdt met on the 15th.. I had brief discussion over the phone with the nurse last Friday..  mine is looking the best possible news I could have for at this point..xx I am hoping I get treatment plan and date next week.. Will keep you posted.
    My journey has been quick at the start but slowed over the Xmas break xx  

  • So that might be the same route for me as we are in the same hospital..so next week nurse then consultant then op info ..im hoping for op x  its all the waiting ..im an avid planner ..the not knowing dates is so stressful. 

  • Ha ha I am the same I have eased off a bit since I have had the appointment through.. but prior to that I was overwhelmed worrying about work/planned holidays etc x