First oncologist appointment

  • 7 replies
  • 82 subscribers

I’ve been on here asking questions and everyone has been so kind and generous in sharing their experiences.

My first oncology appointment is on the 8 th January and at that time I will be 6 weeks post laparoscopic hysterectomy. 

My question this time is what usually happens at this first appointment and how long should I expect to be at the hospital for? Is it just a talk with the consultant or will I be examined and assessed for whatever treatment they prescribe?

Thank you

  • Hi EP17

    My first appointment post surgery was at 5 weeks. It was mainly a discussion about how I was doing post surgery, about my understanding of the stage and grade/post op results and about recommendations for further treatment. My first follow up treatment was chemo so we went into depth about the treatment benefits vs risks, the schedule and things to look out for. I was given paperwork to sign and paperwork to take home. 

    The only examination I was given by the consultant was my wounds were checked on my tummy. There was no internal or anything else. 

    On the same day, other than the consultant I was weighed and measured (for chemo doses) and I had bloods taken. 

    The appointment felt like about 10 minutes but was over an hour. There was a Macmillan nurse with me. I also took a friend for support. I was at the hospital for a couple of hours in all. 

    I also had radiotherapy and saw a radiotherapy consultant just before the last cycle of chemo and the appointment was similar but from a radiotherapy point of view. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi EP17, my first appointment post op was 2 weeks post op with my histology results. My grade stayed at a 1 but my stage had gone up to a 2 and radio and brachy were recommended, so I was told I’d be seeing an oncologist at a separate appointment to go through this. This happened about 2 weeks later. I was weighted and my height measured. I then saw a lovely oncology consultant who went through the whys and wherefores (eg when it would likely start, how many sessions etc) explained the possible side effects (they have to even though some don’t get these) and answered any questions I had. One of the questions I asked was if they required routine mini enemas pre treatment (they didn’t as long as the person had opened their bowels in a certain time period).  I was then given a consent form that I could either sign then or take away and think about. I didn’t see any point delaying and signed the form then. Having taken advice from this group, I also took the opportunity to ask her if my planning mini CT appointment and treatment sessions could be in the afternoons, as i live an hour from the hospital and usually also have a poo in the morning! She wrote that down on my notes and said they would endeavour to accommodate my wish as much as possible (they did - my earliest appointment was 12.45, which was a one off, and my latest was 4.30). I was a wreck when I went to that appointment and the consultant made me feel so much better and positive. 

  • Thank you Jane. From the timeline on your profile it looks like your treatment started quite quickly afterwards. Am I reading ghat right?

  • Hi MarmiteFan59. Enemas never entered my head lol. Thats another question for my list thank you. I’m up to 26 so far and I’m assuming the consultant will cover some of them just in their talk. 
    Im a wreck at the moment too and trying to be positive. Im hoping the appointment will help me understand what I’m facing a bit better. The not knowing is dreadful and my imagination is running riot. 

  • Chemo started around 6 weeks post surgery. Radiotherapy started 3 weeks after the last session of chemo


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I too had a long list of questions and just crossed them out as and when she replied to them, leaving me just a few at the end. Re mini enemas, some hospitals like the bowel completely clear for treatment sessions, others just require the lower bowel clear which should happen if you’ve already been that day. And the conditions for the planning mini CT need to be replicated for treatment sessions, so if enemas are required before treatment one will be required before the planning CT too. I was quite glad mine didn’t, but other ladies have done them and coped fine. 

  • Thank you for explaining that. As I said I wasn’t aware that was a thing so good to be forewarned that it might be a possibility.