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  • 77 subscribers

Hi I sm due to have a total hysterectomy tomorrow I a very anxious and afraid i don't know if its the througt of  it I know I need to have it done just wondering if its as bad I you think it's going to be I am due keyhole surgery but as I have ulcerative colitis and 2 fistula in my bowel may have to have open surgery which freaks my out 

  • As anybody else had these problems before surgery

  • Hi I didn’t have other problems but did have open surgery due to a large fibroid at end of January. You are bound to be anxious but I don’t think my recovery was much longer - although I was in hospital for 2 nights. Only needed paracetamol for a couple of days and was walking up to around 40 minutes after a couple of weeks. Try to focus on the fact it will soon be done and you’ll be recovering. I went for a long walk the day before surgery to get plenty of fresh air.

  • Thank you so much for youre reply x

  • Hi Alibongo

    Good luck for tomorrow. It is understandable to feel anxious when facing surgery but I found it a lot better than I was worrying about. Try to focus on that the cancer is being removed. Hopefully you will be able to have it done via keyhole but if not, just put your trust in the doctors experience to get the safest and best outcome. 

    Hopefully by around this time tomorrow you should be starting your recovery. I stayed in one night and was home the next day. 

    If there is anything you want to ask, please do so. 



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