UTI and lack of appetite

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  • 80 subscribers

Hi - I’m 5 weeks laparoscopic full hysterectomy and at this point not facing any more treatment.

I’ve just started my second course of antibiotics for a uti . I’ve not suffered with uti’s before but is this likely to be related to the hysterectomy? If so I would be grateful for any advice or experiences. 

Also I’ve not had any appetite since the op. At first I put it down to the anaesthetic but 5 weeks is that still likely? I am eating because I know it’s important but no enthusiasm at all. 

thank you xxxxx

  • Hi Coventry girl, well done for having had your op and I hope the rest of your recovery is going well. Some women can get UTIs after any procedures down there so I’d suggest it’s likely to be connected. Are you taking any probiotics or eating/using live yogurt? I was delighted that my appetite was low after my op (I attributed that to the after effects of the anaesthetic) as it meant I was more easily able to eat healthily and lose a few pounds. It may still be down to the anaesthetic but could also be due to the UTI too.