Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy

  • 9 replies
  • 79 subscribers


I was originally scheduled for 25 sessions of adjuvant radiotherapy starting in September which should have finished this last Friday. However after the planning scan and having the tattoo marks done ready I had a call from the consultant to say I had a lymph node which looked off in the right pelvis area. I needed another scan before having treatment. My original treatment plan was cancelled and I had to wait 2 weeks for a CT scan, then a wait for results. 

On Wednesday I had an appointment and was advised I commence 27 sessions of radiotherapy from this coming Monday. This will also include chemo. I think the chemo drug is Cisplati and it will be administered on Wednesday of the 1st and the 4th week of radiotherapy. 

Further chemo has also been mentioned when the results of this treatment are reviewed. I think up to another 4 rounds of a different chemo.

Just wondering if anyone else has had chemo whilst having radiotherapy? 

  • Hi Mandrix4 

    I had radiotherapy for 5 weeks with weekly Cisplatin for treatment of vaginal cancer. On the days I had chemo I would have that 1st and then go straight to radiotherapy. It makes a long day in hospital as Cisplatin takes several hours to administer. I also ended up missing a couple of rounds as my platelets were too low but still had all of the radiotherapy sessions. 

    It's quite tough going as you need to visit the hospital every day and I became more tired as the treatment progressed . I do hope all goes well for you. Sending you all my best wishes. 

  • Hi Dorset Girl

    Thanks for your reply and I hope you are doing ok. I bet the weekends were a godsend with the 5 day treatments plus chemo. 

     I was originally Graded as 2 stage 1b womb cancer after my hysterectomy. However due to the lymph node they want to treat a bit more aggressively as though at stage 3 to try and give the best outcome. 

    I have to be at the hospital for 8.45 ( having taken an anti nausea tablet & some steroids before leaving home). I have radiotherapy scheduled that day at 4 pm but have been told whenever I am ready to go down they will expect me. 

    I know it’s going to be a long day, especially as I won’t know what to expect whilst having the chemo. Can you remember how you felt after your first round of treatment? 

  •    could you maybe share with this lady? Hope you’re doing okay! 

  • Hi

    I'm doing well now thanks. Treatment all finished and no evidence of disease on my last scan! Yes, I always looked forward to the weekends Blush. Like you my radiotherapy was scheduled in but they always saw me whenever I was finished with the chemo so hopefully you won't have too much waiting around. I recall feeling OK after the 1st round of treatment but I'd already had a 6 week course of chemo prior to radiotherapy so was feeling a bit ropey anyway Wink. I didn't experience any nausea and loved my steroids as they gave a bit of a high for a couple of days ! Fatigue really kicked in about half way through and I developed an unpleasant skin rash which my care team helped with. 

    Good luck tomorrow xx

  • Looks like I may be doing the reverse to you and having follow up chemo once the radio/chemo is complete. Not looking forward to the travelling each weekday but it’s a means to an end. I know everyone’s journey and experience is different but your replies have helped settle my mind. 

    So glad to hear you are doing well and thanks for the good luck wishes xx 

  • yes I’ll respond I’m doing great thanks now on 6 monthly follow up - hope you are well too ? Xx

  • Hi  in 2022  I was diagnosed with grade 3 Serous and Clear cell Cancer at stage 2 because it had reached my cervix. I had a radical hysterectomy in April 22 followed by 5 weekly Cisplatin and 25 radiotherapy delivered concurrently then finally 3 x brachytherapy .  I started in June 22 with the chemo + radiotherapy on day one which was a Thursday then had Monday to Friday radio with the long chemo + radio every Thursday. Yes it was a very long day on chemo days but I soon got into a routine and the weeks passed really quickly and the staff were brilliant. I found the treatment ok. I didn’t lose any hair and didn’t have any nausea at all, I drove myself to all my treatments  - I was given a steroid injection at the unit before starting the chemo then a steroid tablet to take the two days following, they gave me anti sickness injections at the unit and tablets in case I needed them at home but I never did. I had no side effects after my first treatment, had a bit of a dizzy drunk feeling after my third but that passed. I did have diarrhoea as the weeks went on but it’s difficult to know what caused it,  it could have been the radiotherapy causing that or a combination of the two.I did get progressively tired as the weeks went on but a little nap when I was flagging sorted that. The good bit was was that my adjuvant treatment plan was completed within 7 weeks and I was able to get back to normal life. I see you are to have potentially a different chemo following the Cisplatin regime so your treatment will maybe a little longer but hopefully that will go quickly too , If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me - Good Luck Chrissie xx

  • Hi Chrissie

    thank you for taking the time to respond. It’s reassuring to read how others having similar treatment coped and are doing. I am hoping that, bearing in mind there is the festive season approaching, I will have completed treatment before spring so I can rebook a trip to Cornwall that we had to cancel due to my hysterectomy. 

    I had a read through your profile, looks like you had a lot of travelling to do Wink

    Glad to read you are doing well and enjoying life - once again thanks for your reply. Take care, Mandy xx 

  • Hi Mandrix4

    There are some ladies on here who have this combination of chemo and radiotherapy and some who have the chemo and then the radiotherapy. There are also different types of chemo and different regimes. They tend to look at the overall picture to see what is best for you individually. 

    Cisplatin (chemotherapy drug) - treatment and side effects | Macmillan Cancer Support

    For me it was the 4 cycles of the other chemo (paclitaxel and carboplatin) first and then the radiotherapy. 

    I hope that your radiotherapy goes well today and that the chemo goes well on Wednesday.

    If there is anything you need in the meantime, you know where we are.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm