Anyone had blood clot in groin?

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  • 77 subscribers

I've been on blood thinners for four days and my leg hasn't reduced in size at all. I'm not worried it's more clots as pain definitely reducing. Thanks all Smiley

  • Hi Summer25, it was explained to me than my blood thinners were to prevent further clots. They would not do anything for existing clots, either my body would break them down which took months or they could catheter the clot away. Best to speak to your doctor for guidance. If you become breathless get yourself to hospital immediately

  • Thanks Lee. Were your clots related to the cancer or cancer treatment? I hope you are doing well.

    I was given NED of disease after first 3 month scan in August but then developed this right side groin pain with burning in crease of thigh. I immediately thought reoccurence but my consultant felt it wasn't. Anyway, I then flew to America and back and was travelling round there so sitting in a car a lot. My thigh started to swell two weeks ago and every time I walked this pain was awful, I had to keep stopping and bending over. My leg also felt heavy and tight. I went to A and E and they diagnosed lymphedema. In my mind, I didn't feel this was right. I then had a further 3 visits to A and E and it wasn't until my third visit when I couldn't even walk and my whole leg had almost doubled in size, together with spider veins and bruising round my groin and thigh area that they started to think blood clot. Unfortunately, my dimer blood test kept coming back negative until that third visit when it showed positive. A femoral vein clot in my groin was diagnosed.  Until then I was being made to feel I was over reacting! All other bloods were fine and an ultrasound to my pelvis externally and internally showed no signs of cancer recurrence. I've been on thinners for 5 days now and can finally say I feel a slight improvement in the pain and walking, also leg doesn't feel as tight. I am seeing my GP on Monday and the Anticoagulant Clinic on 28 October. I feel lucky it was finally picked up. 

  • It's all so scary isn't it? I had a saddle pulmonary embolism due to my treatment, the vascular nature of my tumour and also being type 1 diabetic. A perfect storm really. It's positive that you're on blood thinners now and hopefully feeling better soon

  • Hi Summer

    I am sorry that you have been having trouble with a blood clot. 

    I hope that it is improving now and that your GP appointment goes well. Good luck on the 28th.



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  • Hi Lee,

    Sorry for the weird two messages, my phone kept posting every time I hit return. I have been told today that I am a medical mystery. Not only did I test negative on the dimer test for a clot, my GP has never in her 35 years of practice seen someone with a clot in the location mine is! I am just trying to get on with life although difficult when none of my trousers fit! Hope you are doing well. Take care.

  • Thanks Jane. I am a medical mystery apparently! All my tests indicate there is nothing sinister in my pelvis yet I have had this right sided lower abdo pain since August. Then about a week after I noticed the pain, I got a funny burning sensation in that area that went down to crease of thigh - it felt like my knicker elastic was too tight! I went to America in this time, only intermittent pain and burning, nothing major, didn't even need painkillers. Fast foward to two/three weeks ago and I was in pain when walking, kept having to stop and bend over, leg felt heavy and tight. About a week later thigh swelled, went A and E and they said lymphedema. Went home, week later whole leg swelled so back to A and E and negative dimer tests made them dismiss a blood clot. It was only when I went back last Monday in tears and really bad pain in my leg together with bruising and spider veins all over my thigh, did I test positive on the dimer test. A dopler scan then showed I have a clot in my femoral vein on that crease of thigh/groin I had the burning in. The doctors were shocked, said they have never seen a clot there before and have no idea how I got it. Right sided pain absolute mystery to them too! Only explaining all this in case anyone ever finds themselves in same situation/pain. I will update with a new post if I ever get to the bottom of it. Many thanks. 

  • Lee can I ask, how long was it after going on medication did you see a decrease in swelling?

  • I had a decrease in swelling in a few days, unfortunately that was the clot moving from my calf, through my heart and then it got stuck in my blood vessel feeding both lungs. I ended up in Intensive care so I'm not the best benchmark. My clot was very rare and very large. Are you feeling any better?