Chemotherapy wait

  • 7 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hi I had my hysterectomy on July the 17th and had to wait 5 weeks for my results to come back to then be told I needed chemotherapy then radiotherapy and that the chemotherapy would probably start in the next 2 weeks, I then had to Wait two and half weeks to see the oncologist, this was last Friday so i’m Now at 9 weeks post op, I was told I would get an appointment with the nurse this week and then probably start the week after as it’s getting close to the 12 weeks it needs to be started by but when I got my appointment today it’s not for another 2 weeks which will be 9 days before the 12 week cut off point, the oncologist told me if it doesn’t start before 12 weeks then it won’t happen as there’s no point as the cancer would have seeded by then, so I’m now panicking, how soon after nurse appointments do you start chemo? 

  • So sorry you are having such a long wait - and really that sounds a bit blunt by the oncologist!! I am only a week post op but realised i have no idea what happens next so did email my CNS today to ask if i should have appts through to plan next steps. Can you call your CNS and ask them for help? 

  • H thanks for your reply I have emailed my CNS and will try ring later if I don’t get a reply, I’ve also rang the chemo day unit and left a voicemail to Contact me ASAP so will see what they have to Disappointedy it’s just worrying how long it’s taking between appointments and getting so close to the deadline to start Disappointed

  • I think it is totally unacceptable to miss the opp of chemo for the lack of appointments - can your GP help or PALS at the hospital? Or could you call the Helpline and get some ideas of what to do next?

  • Hi Dizzy Dora

    I am sorry to hear that you are having these delays in starting chemo. 

    My chemo was started 6 weeks after surgery. I saw my consultant 5 weeks after surgery and it started the following week. I had bloods taken at the consents appointment and then had to come in early on chemo day for repeat bloods. I did not see the nurse between the chemo consents appointment and the actual start of chemo but did have a telephone appointment. 

    I have never heard of chemotherapy being delayed and then not started because of hospital delays. My feeling would be to contact GP today and see if there is anyway they can arrange for things to be moved along. I did this myself a couple of times and GP was able to contact hospital directly. I was given an urgent appointment the following day. 

    You could also directly contact your CNS and also chemo unit. If your chemo is considered time critical then you should be given it- there must be a system of emergency appointments. 

    if this does not help then I would consider contacting PALS. 

    What is PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)? - NHS (

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane I’ve managed to get hold of the appointments manager at my local chemotherapy department and she has said that that is the first available consents appointment but has said she willFingers crossed tone1o put me at the top of the list for any cancellations she has also booked me in to start my chemotherapy on the 2nd of October, 2 days after my consent appointment which will be 11 weeks after my Fingers crossed tone1ation so at least I know it will be starting in time now Fingers crossed tone1

  • It is sorted now thankfully and will be starting on the  2nd of October Fingers crossed tone1 11 weeks after my operation so still within the time limits just! X

  • That's a relief- hopefully there is a chance of the cancellation as well. I know with my chemo sometimes people were unwell and their chemo didn't go ahead at short notice- it may free up an appointment for you. 

    At least, even if this doesn't happen- you will still be within the time limit. 

    I wish you well with your treatment and if you have any worries about the chemo then please do ask. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm