Cramping pain while waiting for biopsy

  • 9 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Hello ladies, 

I am 59 and postmenopausal. A week ago I started to have occasional spotting, light pink to reddish brown in color. A TV ultrasound 2 days ago revealed my endometrium is thickened at 17mm. I have many risk factors for endometrial cancer (overweight, no children, family history) 

An endometrial biopsy was recommended, however my appointment is not for another 3 weeks. They do not seem concerned about the delay, which is frustrating to me. 

In the meantime, I have developed cramping pelvic pain - just like the bad menstrual cramps I used to get - in addition to a feeling of pressure in my pelvis, along with diarrhea. I have also been losing weight over the past few months. (a silver lining? Pun intended Stuck out tongue closed eyesStuck out tongue winking eye

On top of this, as a former smoker, I had a screening lung CT a month ago which revealed 3 nodules in my lungs. At the time, I was told they would rescan in a year to monitor. But now I am concerned about possible metastasis from endometrial cancer. 

I have read that my symptoms don't necessarily mean I have cancer, but my gut is telling me otherwise (I will admit to consulting with Dr. Google, who, as we all know, doesn't always have the best bedside manner) 

My question to all of you lovely ladies is two part. 

1. If it's not cancer, what would explain both bleeding and cramping pain? 

2. Have any of you had, or do you know of anyone who has had, both bleeding and cramping + other symptoms, along with a significantly thickened endometrium, had it not turn out to be cancer? 

Thanks so much for reading my long post. I'm just scared, and I'm so glad to have found thus forum. I have read many of your stories, and I am thoroughly impressed by the strength, and the kindness, of each of you. Heart️

  • Hello Katharinelk

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you are having some concerning symptoms and are worried that this could be endometrial cancer. I understand your fears but you have done the right thing in getting these checked out.

    Waiting the 3 weeks for the biopsy will be hard but it is the only thing that will be able to confirm whether there is cancer present or whether something else could be causing your symptoms. I would suggest that it might be an idea to call your hospital today and ask if it is possible to be put on a short notice cancellation list. It may get you a short notice appointment. Also it is worth checking that this is on an Urgent referral. 

    In answer to your questions;

     Bleeding can be caused by the hyperplasia (thickened womb lining), atrophy of the womb lining, fibroids, polyps amongst other things. As you are having diarrhoea, the cramping could possibly be related. 

    My symptoms were a heavy bleed. I did later on have a feeling of pressure, slight cramping- but it was the bleed that was the main signal something wasn't right.

    I wonder if it would be helpful to give the Support Line a call and talk things through with one of the nurses- they would be trained to talk you through your symptoms and what they could mean. The details are below. 

    It is natural to Google- I know I did but looking back most of it was out of date and not that accurate. You have symptoms that do need investigating but with they normally try to rule out the most serious possible causes first and that is what they are doing with the biopsy. 

    Hope this helps, but if you need anything else- do please ask



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for your kind response. I saw a 2nd doctor who can do the biopsy this Tuesday. So that's good! 

    Now I'm just dealing with anxiety about the biopsy itself; I have read horror stories about the pain. I was told to take 800mg ibuprofen, 1000mg acetaminophen, and that sedation was not an option. 

    May I ask, how painful did you find your biopsy? 

    Thanks again, I truly appreciate your support :) 

  • Dear K,

    So sad to hear of your pain. I have had very similar. Although no pain to start with until my biopsy and then it started, I can't say 'like period pain' because I only had three days periods with endometriosis no children and then menopause at 45. I'm now 63 and had spot bleeds similar to you, then the ultra sound scan that showed the thickened 9cm lining of the uterus . Then the biopsy which in my eyes ,"woke up the sleeping dog". The pain afterwards and now ongoing is awful and at times debilitating. My GP has been brilliant and gave me cocodamol which helps a lot.

    Yesterday I went in for a hysterectomy and after a nightmare wait they cancelled it while I was on the operating table. Devestated is not the word as I also suffer with bipolar so my mood is all over the place. I am waiting for them to ring me today to reschedule my hysterectomy. I am scared of another two weeks wait as the cancer may be spreading. 

    Kind regards 


  • Hi, regarding your question on biopsy pain - I took 2 paracetamol as recommended before going for my hysteroscopy. Before starting the nurse said they had other drugs available if needed. I found it quite uncomfortable (she said it can be worse if you haven’t had children, which I haven’t), so part way through she stopped and I had penthrox (green whistle) which got me through it without too much trouble. I have to say I’m the biggest girls blouse going, so if I can do it (albeit with a bit of help), hopefully you can too! The penthrox effects are very short lived (few mins only) and I was fine afterwards.
    Hope this helps and wishing you good luck, you can do it!

  • Hi Katherine

    I took paracetamol before hand.

    Everyone is different in how they find the biopsy and remember if they start and you feel like you are not managing or if it is too painful. You can ask them to stop.

    For me the painful part was where they go through the cervix- if you count to 10 that bit is done. It was a pushing sensation and a sort of cramp feeling. Other than that it was ok. When they do the actual biopsy bit they use 2 flexible straws and it sort of sucks the tiny tissue sample out. Some people say they get a bit of period type pain but for me it was ok. 

    I did feel a bit light headed due to bleeding and the anxiety of the situation but i was very well looked after. A cup of tea and biscuit afterwards and some TLC from the nurses and I was fine. 

    At home I did feel a bit washed out for the rest of the day and had some light bleeding for a couple of days. For me the thought of it was worse than what actually happened. 

    What helped me was that the nurse who would be doing the procedure phoned me at home and talked me through what would happen. Looking back I think the whole appointment was around an hour but there was going through medical history first and afterwards time to recover. 

    Hope this helps



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I called the doctor and asked for a stronger painkiller, and I'm very pleased as he has prescribed some Vicodin. 

    Now I am having a horrible time with extreme worry that I may have cancer, and it might have spread. Frankly, I am terrified. Because I have been losing weight, and I do have lung nodulesso I have pretty much decided I do have it and that it's stage 4.

    I'm so sorry your surgery was canceled, Shiqween. I really hope it can be done very soon. I suffer from depression myself, so I understand how difficult this must be. 

    I'm so sorry any of us has to deal with this. 

  • I had my hysteroscopy last week and honestly it was fine. There are so many horror stories out there I know! There was a doctor doing it and 2 other nurses who were SO lovely and we ended up talking about all sorts of nonsense to take my mind if it. I took paracetamol, ibuprofen and some codeine an hour before. They will stop if you need them to. The actual procedure was done within 15 minutes. Good luck- it won’t be as bad as you think hopefully and you get tea and biscuits afterwards!! 

  • Hi all, 

    Had my biopsy yesterday. It was indeed painful, but not as bad as some horror stories I've read on reddit. I even encouraged the doctor to take more samples, to be as sure as possible that a diagnosis be obtained. So he took 7 samples. 

    Now the anxious wait for the results is on. The doctor said it should take a couple of days.

    I'm kind of a wreck, imaging the worst

    Thank you all so much for your responses 

  • The results are in. The doctor said it's likely a polyp that caused my bleeding, but he can't explain the uterine cramping I've had, and had referred ne to gi (I have an appointment for next Friday) 

    He did say he can't 100% guarantee there's no cancer, so he suggested a repeat ultrasound in a few months, but when I pointed out my strong family history for pelvic and gi cancers said he is not opposed to a hysteroscopy and d & c

    I opted for the d&c, just to be sure 

    My best to all of you. I know many of you wish you could be, or were, facing the decisions that I am facing. But I'm still worried! Guess it's human nature.