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  • 71 subscribers

Hi I have had womb cancer for 2 years and am on hormone treatment as I need to lose alot of weight before ican have a hysterectomy,  I've been fine on the hormone treatment the cancer as not spread or grown but this morning I woke up and I'm bleeding not lot just a light pink colour,  I was wondering if this is normal or am I panicking for nothing Thank you xx

  • Hi Pixie2uk

    I think this is something that you need to get checked out. 

    Have you got a number to call your CNS? or if not give your GP a call.

    It may well be expected with the hormonal treatment but it may mean that the treatment needs reviewing. Best to report it and at the least get some reassurance. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I was DX 2 years in 2022 after getting a Polyp removed I was bleeding for long periods when I was having my Polyp removed without anaesthetic the consultant put the coil in and prescribed Hormones 2 three times a day which stopped the bleeding unfortunately after a year, year half the bĺeeding came back with a vengeance as well as having period symptoms cramping soar boob's massive clots so I was changed onto another Hormone treatment  but took adverse reactions to it, I actually thought I was going to take a heart attack with palpitations every ten to fifteen min so I was put back onto my first Hormones but a higher dose of six tablets three times a day and it done the part of the job stopped the heavy bleeding but I did have small stringy clots when going to pee plus period symptoms but I was happy the bleeding had stopped as I had been bleeding for about 6 or 7 months. So please contact your oncologist regarding the bleeding. My plus but might not be the case for everyone on Hormone treatment is I am cancer free and the the large amount of Hormone treatment had done the job and contained the cancer and it grade.

    All the best Thumbsup Williamina x