Biopsy Results

  • 16 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Hi. I am new here. Age 69. Have had postmenopaul bleeding for last few years. Had a hytseroscopy about seven years ago and biopsies came back negative. Three years ago I had another hysteroscopy for thickened womb lining under GA and they found a polyp which was removed and biopsies were again negative. Had a few heavy bleeds last year and was seen by consultant in clinic in July 2023. Ultrasound scan showed womb lining within limits so was once again discharged. Saw my GP after some more heavy bleeds and they did an ultrasound which showed thickened womb lining of 9.9 so referred me on 2 week pathway. Saw consultant last Wednesday. He took biopsies with a flexible scope and fitted a Mirena coil. Said he would ring me in four weeks time with results. The hospital rang me this evening and asked me to go in to see them in the morning to discuss results of biopsy. I am now panicking. I am thinking that as they have my results so soon and want me to go to clinic instead of results over the phone that it's bad news. If it is then I'm sure I will cope but am in a state at the moment so thought I would get in touch with you lovely people who have probably been where I am now. Sorry for the long post but just needed to offload.


  • Hi Sue

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had some bleeding, thickened lining and have had to have a hysteroscopy again.

    I do understand why you are worried about the phone call.

    First thing I would say is that allowing up to around 4 weeks seems to be the norm. Sometimes the pathology labs are busy and it can take that long. The length of time to get results does not necessarily have any impact on what they show. I would think that it just happens that your results were done at a less busy time. And this is good because it is better to have them sooner than sitting around and worrying. 

    My biopsy results took a week so not unlike you. I was phoned at work and told that it was endometrial cancer. It was no great surprise as I was told I needed a CT scan, the day of the biopsy. 

    Some consultants prefer to do things by phone, some prefer to get people in- it doesn't necessarily mean it is bad. It could be that you do need some treatment- for the hyperplasia. (thickened lining) or it could mean that they want to discuss with you about coming in for regular checks. If it does turn out to be a cancer then they would want to talk to you about potential treatment. 

    I hope that your appointment goes well tomorrow and either way, Macmillan are here to support you. Do let us know how you get on. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • PS. I joined this site earlier this year as was having tests for cancer of the urethra. They did find a growth but was told it wasn't cancer. Still worry about it sometimes as they never biopsied it.


  • Thank you Jane for your reply. I think I am a bit shell shocked to be honest. 


  • I remember feeling like that. Sort of shocked, numb almost like it was happening to someone else. I hope that it is good news for you but if it isn't then we will be here. By lunchtime tomorrow you should know for sure and have a plan. I found the not knowing and waiting the hardest part.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Seen Consultant this morning. Biopsies show endrometial cancer mid to high grade. Have to have a MRI scan to help with grading and to see if cancer has spread. I am really nervous about an MRI as have heard some people panic while having one. Would like to know other peoples experience of MRI. Feeling a bit numb at the moment but sure I'll feel better when I know exactly what I'm up against.


  • I'm sure others will be along who have more knowledge than me but just to say I had my MRI a week ago. A friend suggested I keep my eyes closed. (Some departments have eye masks available for this.) I was offered radio music to listen to and picked classical music. The staff were very helpful which helped a lot. I needed my MRI for the same reason as you and wish you all the best! 

  • Hi Clem16. Thank you for your reply and your best wishes. . I think it's just fear of the unknown. I also wish you all the best. X

  • Hi Sue, sorry that you have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer but you are in the right place to ask about anything here, everyone is lovely and really helpful. It's almost years since I had my MRI now and I remember my feet being really cold even though it was summer, so I would suggest to wear socks. I was allowed to wear my own clothes as long as there was no metal on them, no underwired bra. I was worried about my wedding ring as it won't come off but that was ok. My head was more or less out of the scanner which was good, the staff are really good and keep asking if you are alright. You may have to have a scan with contrast which involves a cannula in your hand it helps with clarity I think, I had one and it was no trouble. Hope it all goes well and you don't have to wait for to long.

  • Hi Carolina61. Thanks for replying. I am sure I will cope on the day and after all, it has to be done. Hoping it will not be too long a wait so there will be less time for worrying. All the best.


  • Hi SueB4, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    I didn’t mind my recent (first ever) MRI scan at all, I was so pleased to be having it done as it was going to help provide some answers after being told I had endometrial cancer. It doesn’t hurt at all, it is a bit noisy but you get headphones that block a lot of it out. The hardest bits are lying as still as you can for around 30-45mins and I’m very squeamish so really didn’t like the cannula (again my first ever) or the feeling when the contrast fluid went in, though that didn’t last long at all - a few seconds at most. I just closed my eyes and did my best to try to relax. It’s soon over with, you can absolutely do it!!