On two cancer exclusion pathways simultaneously

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Womb polyps excised and sent for histology – found hysteroscopy very hard and wasn't sure I could go through with it (lovely consultant did offer to stop). Not my first hysteroscopy as polyp was found a year ago already. Feeling sick at thought polyps can regrow or keep appearing and that I might have to go through all this again even if results come back clear. Beginning to understand why people decide they just want a hysterectomy and to be done with the bother of investigations.

Simultaneously have been called in for dermatoscopic check of a changing mole – not if but when it comes out as I already had lot of severe dysplasia re moles. Just so sick of cancer checks and surgery even though I am very lucky things all got taken out early. It is a constant worry and stress that I will have to live with all my life – been dealing with it since primary school. Got a lot of scars and having a bit of a blue day. 

Daughters already had to have excisions and on 2WW currently re moles yet again. There never seems to be a break from it. Am cross with myself because I've been a bit of an ostrich this year and it's only thanks to lovely people on both this and melanoma forum I pulled my socks up to get things. It's not that I didn't know I had to go back. I just couldn't face it after death of younger sibling last summer.

Wanted to say thank you to all the lovely people on here, especially Jane, for recent support. Really appreciated. Thank you!! 

It was reading that polyps could regrow or that you could have more that made me sit up and take notice when discharge restarted. Consultant I saw this week said it isn't the case that hysteroscopy covers you for six months and given my history there would be a low threshold going forwards. Yes, even if these polyps are okay I might have to go back. But, I hope there will never be another hysteroscopy. 

Rose xx

  • Forgot to say they decided the other thing in the muscle of my womb is a submucosal fibroid that can be left for now. When they checked dimensions they found it actually shrunk a bit. So I got scared on that one for nothing re needing the GA. (Phew!) Unfortunately thanks to the fibroid it isn't possible to monitor things just by scans if further problems in the future. Plus, small polyps don't always show on the TVS. I was shocked how they multiplied. One of the polyps was quite large though. Surprised me seeing it with all its blood vessels. No wonder I'd been bleeding.

  • Hi Rose

    I know that it was a big deal for you to have your hysteroscopy- so well done. I am sorry that you found it tough- they are not a great thing to go through. I too can understand why people do go ahead with having a hysterectomy, if they need them repeatedly. Its not just the procedure, its the build up to it and the waiting for results.

    I am sorry to hear that you are also having to have a mole checked and I get that you are sick of having these cancer checks. It must seem never ending - I know when I was having my tests and treatment I could not cope with the thought of much else- even things like going to the dentist got put off. I am sorry that your daughter is also going through it at the moment. It is understandable that it was difficult to face these checks after losing a sibling. You have had a lot on your plate but well done for starting to go through the checks that you need.

    I have just replied to your other post suggesting that you call the Support Line and talk to one of the nurses. I do not know much about polyps as never had them- although my Mum did many years ago. 

    I hope that you do not have to wait too long to get your results from the hysteroscopy/polyp removal. We are here in the meantime if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much  for your kind wishes and ever helpful comments. I had so many mole surgeries with the FAMMM syndrome including WLEs. I come from a melanoma family. I know I can never get away from that one, so really would prefer not to have on-going issues re womb too but just get it all sorted somehow. Can't run away from it though. I had relatives who did that die.