Waiting time

  • 18 replies
  • 81 subscribers

I am on the Suspected Cancer Pathway for some type of Uterine cancer.

I was told yesterday by the receptionist at Raigmore Hopital Radiology department that the wait time could be as long at 2/3 months for MRI CT and Biopsy with GA. I won't have a hysteroscopy without GA.

I have made an official complaint. 

How long have others waited ?

Has it adversely affected your outcome?

Has anyone sued?

  • Hello Cheekkat

    I am sorry to hear that they are expecting you to wait that long for the testing you need. 

    I was on the 2 week urgent referral and that meant I had some of the testing within the first 2 weeks. I didn't see a consultant for around 3 weeks after that. My hysterectomy was 4 weeks from first symptoms.

    You say you have made a complaint? Have you contacted PALS at your hospital? They may be able to offer support.

    You could also consider contacting your GP to see if there would be any chance of a shorter wait with any other hospitals near by- even if you were able to access the testing sooner, and return to the other hospital if you wanted to.

    I am not sure of the guidelines for Scotland (I believe that is where your hospital is) but if you gave the Support Line a call they would be able to pass you to a trained advisor to make suggestions about how to possibly get seen quicker. 

    I would also suggest that you contact the hospital you are currently dealing with and asking if there is a short notice cancellation list.

    I can understand why you are concerned as naturally if you do have cancer then you need it dealt with sooner rather than later.

    I am sorry that you are having to deal with all of this, when you just want and need answers.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Cheekkat, I just checked and my hysteroscopy under GA in 2021 was 6 weeks after being put on the pathway by my GP and my MRI and chest X Ray was 2 weeks after that so 8 weeks. I had had a failed hysteroscopy under local anaesthetic 2 weeks after referral and had to wait a month to have it done under GA. I personally don’t think 2 months’ wait is excessive, even though it may feel like it. I had my hysterectomy just under 2 months after my MRI results. If you are not happy about the wait, I’d suggest asking your GP to query it as it’s the GP who put you on the pathway and your consultant is answerable to them (the consultant told me that) 

  • jane, just to say from what I have read here over the last 2.5 years, your hysterectomy happened much more quickly than most.

  • Yes I've done all that you suggested already.

    I want to know what other people's experience of a long wait is.

  • Thank you for sharing your experience. 

    I have private option as well, but it's 150 miles away.. bur hey ho

  • Hi Jane

    Scotland has a different system to PALS. It’s called PASS (patient advice and support service Scotland). It’s pass-scotland.org.uk

    It fulfils the same remit as PALS in England.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • pass-scotland.org.uk- PASS is the Scottish version of PALS- sorry my mistake


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi my MRI was within 10 days ( after I’d sorted issues related to stitches from a skin graft). My hysterectomy wasn’t GA so sorry can’t help with that.

    i did have a bit of a wait for other reasons - 1st biopsy borderline-  had some holidays- and cancelled due to doctors strike - but outcomes didn’t change from scan to surgery - approx 2.5 months.

  • What cancer was it ? 

    Mine is 17.5cm and growing unknown quite what it is..