Tinnitus/Hearing Issues + Pos Meniere's Disease Post Treatment

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I had 6 sessons Carbotaxol Aug - Nov last year and 25 sessions of external radiotherapy this Jan. This may not be related at all but I'm now have a referral for pos Meniere's Disease as having bad Tinnitus with some hearing loss plus occasional vertigo and nausea. I did have some symptoms before my cancer diagnosis going back to 2017 and it was put down to bad Labyrinthitis and pos menopause symptoms but it's worsened since my treatment. I am waiting for a hearing test and an ENT appointment which have been told could be some time off. At moment I have constant whoosing/buzzing sound and almost complete hearing loss in my left ear (the loss only has started in last 2 weeks). In my right ear there is also Tinnitus at a lower pitch. I saw the GP 5 weeks ago who prescribed me Betahistine tabs that are supposed to help with the inner ear fluid and anti-sickness/Vertigo meds to take when required.  The Betahistine has not made any difference as yet. This issue is far worse now since finishing the cancer treatment and I am curious if anyone else has had issues after Chemo.

Many thanks 

  • Hi MsViva

    I am sorry to hear that you are having some problems with tinnitus, hearing loss and occasional vertigo and nausea.

    Tinnitus/hearing changes can be a side effect of carbo taxol so you have done the right thing in getting checked. I am not sure about Meniere's Disease but from my understanding and experience having chemo can trigger/worsen existing issues in some people. Hopefully the consultant will be able to help. 

    One thing I experienced was a bit of dizziness post chemo and I wonder whether it was due to hair loss- within the ears- as I believe that the hairs in our ears help with balance. 

    Paclitaxel and carboplatin | Macmillan Cancer Support

    If it would help, perhaps give the Support Line a call and ask one of the nurses. They would know a bit more about hearing changes post chemo. I did have some tinnitus, but it passed fairly quickly. I also had some nausea after the radiotherapy for some time.

    There are some links here that might be helpful............

    Meniere’s Society: The national charity for people with dizziness… | Ménière’s Society (menieres.org.uk)

    Home - Tinnitus UK

    Hope this helps



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much Jane, really appreciate your reply and info. I do wonder because I already had the issues before my diagnosis the chemo drugs have exacerbated it. I'm really glad your Tinnitus passed quickly as it's not something you want going on during or just after chemo. I'd forgotten about the the situ with hair loss in the ears. I will call the Support line as you suggested.

    Thank you and take care.
