Hysterectomy (POST OPERATIVE)

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If you have read my post pre - operation, operation (removal of Cancer buddy)and the operation being complex due to a large womb and large fibroids, Post Operative care and issues one being poor PAIN RELIEF, having the morphine pump on day of the operation and half of the next day just when I was getting to figure it out, most importantly extremely painful shoulders that I could not move especially the right shoulder( even to cut food up) having a pain score that no one listens to anyway. 

Back home having to wait to get staples out making the wound site red and angry, urine infection, plus very painful Virginia like it was on fire oral thrush meds and antibiotics.

Last straw wound started to bleed (the one across my tummy with the most staples)on Friday and ended up with a sore belly button so back to the GP's I have a small bulge plus weeping secondary a wee bite along there is a very small section that is bleeding, so swab taken and given dressings to keep wound clean until Friday. GP says that the reason for my belly button being uncomfortable/sore I tried to lie on my side but it was really uncomfortable so had to sleep sitting up which didn't happen been awake since 10:00 am Sunday the GP also said that I am having a terrible post operation as I am going throught it as well as I look quite pale and take things a lot easier as you don't want to end up with a hernia later on

  • Hi Wilma

    I have read all your posts and can’t believe the truly horrific time you’ve had to endure.  

    I had post op problems with my incisions and I went to the gp practice nurse who put on a honey dressing which helped immensely.

    I wish you well in your recovery and hope that all your pain settles down.  


  • Hello Wilma,

    Oh goodness it sounds like you have had - and are having a very tough time. I am sorry to hear this. Sounds like your GP is on it and checking for infection etc.

    Not sleeping well can make us feel miserable so I remember I used 4 pillows to make an "armchair" in bed. One across the bed flat and two vertically on top of it. Then one across the top horizontally. I slept at 45 degrees on my back for weeks. It was fairly comfortable. 

    Gentle mobilisation and rest will help. A little stroll in the garden on the sunnier days. Ask for any help you need from family/friends and be VERY KIND to yourself. Treat yourself to the lovely Summer berries that are in season and eat as healthily as you can (Vit C in strawberries helps with wound healing). Also glasses of water to cleanse your system. 

    You will get there. One step at a time.

    Sending best wishes your way.


  • Hi gradma 03 

    Thank for your kind words unfortunately I have been living with pain for many years and I think it's my arthritis and fibromyalgia having a response to what my body has and is going through, as for your was it the large one across you tummy !! I think I will look up honey dressing.

  • Hi KT89 , summer days I live in Scotland today it was heavy rain and hailstones lol my husband has been brilliant all the way through cancer buddy from start to this part, I have been eating berries and bananas as I have an allergy to citrus oranges lemons and more I drink about 2 to two half pints a day.

    Just have to wait this blip out 

  • Hi Wilma

    I have arthritis and fibromyalgia too and understand the pain that comes from both.  My husband has fibromyalgia too.

    No, I am a larger lady and they managed mine laparoscopic but the wounds just wouldn’t heal, it was explained that as I’m type2 diabetic it takes longer to heal.  The nurse was very good, I went twice a week for 4 weeks and it helped.

    My body reacted badly to chemo so I only had one session, I ended up in hospital for 12 days.  Developed a urine infection and sepsis.  3 brachytherapy were a doddle.  Aberdeen wasn’t much better than you had in Edinburgh!

    When you get your results I hope you won’t require further treatment and continue to heal.  The diabetes nurse said to give my body a year to recover from hysterectomy and cancer.  

    The honey dressings are almost like a gauze that the nurse put on and then the sticky dressing on top.  It does turn your skin a bit yellow but they do help.

    Wishing you all the best and some relief from the pain and stress you’ve been through.

    Linda x

  • How are your wounds now !!!! Was it the larger wound across your tummy or the portals !!!! 

    I hope you don't mind if I ask a personal question regarding your Virginia (lady bits) like you I had a urine infection and given antibiotics as well oral anti thrush medication so that I didn't need to put a pessary up my Virginia as i was having a really burning sensation inside as well as something really ruff rubbing inside (bloody painful) I suspected it was due to the catheter and packing I had inside plus internal stitches, unfortunately today week three to the exact day I still have a sore ruff feeling and uncomfortable burning but not as intense but still uncomfortable if you had the same then how long did it take yours to stop if you had it!!!!!

    Now back to you did your biopsy change in stage and grade to what was at the beginning, was the brachytherapy sore or uncomfortable   (I don't know how I would be at the moment because of the pain in my Virginia) So is that all your treatment finished and if so how often for follow ups. How long did you wait for your results on the biopsy!!!!

    As for the RIE I am still thinking about putting a complaint regarding my pain management after Allistair telling me for two days my nightclothes were soaked in sweat and the sweat was running down me in all the years he had never seen me so bad. What happened to you in Aberdeen was if the same regarding pain management!!!!!! .

    I was supposed to be in the ward until the Tuesday but when the duty consultant came round again on the Sunday I said "are you going to do anymore for me regarding my shoulders and pain " her answer was " not really except trying to control your pain" I laughed at that said you should tell the nurse that and she just looked at me blankly so I said " I would rather be at home with my husband and manage my own medications,

    (I wasn't getting my semiglutide first thing in the morning on a empty stomach so never had that at all then  my insulin before meals was never given properly so keeping control of my blood sugars was a no go) When I got home the next day my own GP seen me write away and increased my Oxycoden slow release from 30mg twice a day to 45mg twice a day 20mg Oxycoden x 4 or 6 times a day for breakthrough pain from my usual 10mg Oxycoden a day plus my baclofen was increased from 10mg x 3 day to 20mg x 3 day 

    I eventually herd from the elusive CNS on Tuesday 28th May 2023  asking why I got out the hospital on the Sunday instead of the Tuesday as she went up to the ward on the Monday to speak to me to see how I was doing, I just told her about my pain management or lack off and that's why and that my own GP had a better understanding regarding pain and what my requirements were.

    Well Linda this has been one hell of a ride and I sincerely wish you and your hubby all the best for what lies ahead for us old buggers.

    Remember we can still moan and groan and let each other know how things are going and hopefully I am all clear from my cancer buddy and now we can close the chapter in our adventures within this part of our lifetime. Time to enjoy our life's again without either us or our husbands having the worries and stress.we have been under 

    Take care


  • Hi Wilma

    My wounds have all healed now but are still very pink with no signs of fading.

    After the hysterectomy I wasn't offered any pain medication because I'm on tramadol slow release but I had to almost beg to be given my meds.  It was a huge relief to be home and do them myself.

    The first & only chemo wasn't too bad apart from being 8 hours long, we were looked after very well with the offer of drinks, snacks & lunch.  Unfortunately it was 4 days later I was ill and admitted to hospital.  There wasn't a bed available to sat in a room for 4 hours, I was curled up in pain but no one asked how I was or checked on me at all.

    I was put on a drip and rescribed antibiotics, the drip would run out and it was hours before it was replaced.  The urine infection caused so much burning and the constant need to wee.  I got hubby to bring in a face cloth ran it under the hot tap and held it between my legs for a bit of relief.  Get your GP to send off a sample ASAP.

    5 days in hospital and they moved me from the cancer ward to a general ward at midnight.  I had a bit of a temperature but they said it was OK.  When the doctor came to see me the next day he had to arrange for me to go back to the cancer ward, the move back was 9pm.

    My oncologist was furious with the nurses for moving me as I'd developed sepsis and my kidneys weren't functioning properly.  Again put on a drip which wasn't regularly replaced and getting antibiotics was a huge effort.  9 days in and I lost my hair didn't cope well at first and then I didn't care about it.  I knew it would grow back.

    12 days before I got to go home, my hubby really looked after me and my wee dog wouldn't leave my side.

    When it came to the Brachytherapy it was so much easier, I was checked over first and a ceramic rod was pushed gently inside me.  It was briefly uncomfortable.  They then scanned me to make sure it was in the right position.  The first proper session I knew what was going to happen, strip from waist down and lay on the trolley.  Position as if having an internal, rod put back in and attached to the machine and lay there for 10 - 15 minutes.  Disconnected from machine, rod removed and all over.  I developed another urine infection after the second session but was given antibiotics straightaway.

    I got the all clear on 15 January 2024 and have 6 monthly checkups for 3 years.  My hair is growing back and I have what's called chemo curls.  My hair was previously straight.

    A cancer diagnosis is one of the worst anyone ever gets, I was told over the phone and it came as a big shock.  It makes you appreciate your life and who is there for you - but I'm thankful it didn't kill me because it made me stronger.  I look at life differently, it's too short, enjoy yourself - we're all on this merry-go-round once.

    You will come through it.  Take each stage as it comes.  If you have a good network of family and friends who are there for you accept their offers to help.

    I'm here if you want to talk or vent 


  • What is the issue regarding pain management with these nurses surly like me it would have been in your notes not to mention bring in all your own meds Yes you are on slow release Tramadol but surely you need something like Oxycoden for break through pain especially after such a radical let's face it MAJOR surgery because that's what we had endured. 

    As for being put in a room on a chair considering how unwell you had become after chemo is unacceptable and gives you  cause to complain and look at one of these compensation sites for sure. If I would have done that years ago with all the mistakes during my maternity care or lack of I would be rich as well as mistakes during my gallbladder removal.

    It sounds as if the nursing staff during your first part of admission were neglectful and need the managers to no before someone dies because that is what's going to happen if no one keeps a check on these lazy nurses .

    So who gave the nurse the permission to move you from the Cancer ward to general as it seems your Oncologist was out the loop but once he checked up on your kardex he was on it like flies to shit and good for him as for fluids and antibiotics if your well enough next time use you buzzer let the know that you are aware that this has to be replaced at that moment and not hours later if you notice this is happening say you want to speak to charge nurse or nurse manager that will get there lazy arses moving.

    Unfortunately BASIC NURSING CARE seems to have fallen to the wayside it's such a shame this has happened.

    Your hair probably fell out due to the stress your body had been under the cancer, radical hysterectomy, your wounds not clearing up and the infections you have had sepsis chemotherapy Brachytherapy you definitely had loads going on.

    Yes I have had the cancer I have had numerous urine infections that caused my kidneys to be borderline then the pain before my hysterectomy then certainly after it but my hair is coming out at the moment and I was going to ask my GP about it.

    Hopefully I will get my results next week but definitely


    I want face to face to ask some questions just like my brother in law did and like you he had 6 monthly check ups over 5 years and so far he's free of cancer thank god after his last check up.

    You are correct life is to short and we have to do what we love doing with our husbands and wife's and also explore the things you wanted to do but never did as I said to Allistair I have squirreled away some of our money so that we have extra to do things but this time I will squirrel even more and live life to the full. 

    Hell Linda so we should plus have afternoon sex have long lie ins cuddling watching what we want untill whatever time in the morning go out for afternoon tea and our favourite once a week Cinema date were we get a McDonalds ice cream and sometimes fish chips between us or a small bucket KFC chicken fillets now that what I call living it up.

    All my relatives are dead from cancer or heart disease, but Allistair's big sister his brother and his wife and daughter come up with the dog only for my home made meringues and cakes lol and it great to chatter they come over the 2nd week I was home but we bought the goodies in and the difference from home made to that premade crap was noticeable even the dog didn't eat much. 

    One thing I miss so much is our daughter who lives in Southampton with her partner I miss her cuddles and kisses she was still is my wee pal.

    Well Linda lets kick away more daisies lol 

  • I certainly agree about kicking back some daisies and living life to the fullest.

    Hopefully we get off this roller coaster very soon with the scars to show but having got rid of the cancer along the way.

    Let me know if you try the honey dressings and if they help.

    I’ve my fingers crossed that you get the all clear when you get your results.

    Brachytherapy when they insert the rod they do use lubricant and for the ones you use at home when you finish the treatment.

    You must be an insomniac as well as our earlier messages were in the wee sma hours.  Fibromyalgia doesn’t have a lot going for it.

    Take care & keep in touch

    Linda xxx