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Last week, a consultant informed me that due to a 7mm thickness of the womb lining (I am postmenopausal and on HRT) and persistent spotting, I would need to undergo a hysteroscopy and biopsy. However, the conversation was so rushed that I didn't get the chance to ask if I could have this procedure done under general anaesthesia (GA). I am considering GA because when I was 25, I had a cone biopsy that resulted in complications and over 5 hours of surgery due to excessive bleeding. Additionally, previous procedures in that area have been extremely uncomfortable, especially now as I have a tilted womb that is difficult to access. I was told that I would be notified of the appointment through the post as soon as I am on the pathway, but I'm unsure who to contact to inquire about having GA. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi there

    I had a hysteroscopy and biopsy in December and was told straight away it would be under general anaesthetic so I think it is fairly common. In the end I asked if I could have a spinal block instead, just because I was nervous about having a general. Not sure if all places would offer the spinal though. If they do though, it was great- and has the added benefit of pain reluef for a few hours. I just had to wait a bit longer to go home but still went home the same day, in the evening. Just call up and check what they are offering.

    P.s i ended up having a general when I had a hysterectomy in March and it was fine.

  • Meant to say- the consultant you saw or spoke to will have a secretary so call the outpatient department and ask for the consultant's secretary and leave a message to give the consultant about your wish for general anaesthetic.

  • Hi RedRo3e

    I am sorry to hear that you have had to be referred to have a hysteroscopy.

    At my hospital they are routinely done in the clinic where possible but there are sometimes ladies who do have it done under anaesthetic. Due to your history and wishes I would suggest emailing the consultant's secretary and asking whether you can have it under general anaesthetic. If you are unable to get hold of them directly, then your GP should be able to. 

    Hope this helps and that you get a date for it to be done very soon.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I had my hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic as my transvaginal scan was so painful so the consultant opted straight for GA much to my relief. I hope you manage to get through to those arranging the biopsy and  have your procedure under GA too. It meant a slightly longer wait but not excessive.  

  • Thank you to everyone who replied. Unfortunately, I only have a main switchboard number, and to be honest, they have not been very helpful. I did think maybe I am making more of this and should just accept the appointment that they sent and hope for the best that it will not be as bad as I thought. To be honest, for a few moments of discomfort, I would rather know sooner rather than later. It is the waiting that is causing me the greatest agony.

  • The waiting is hard. I would recommend contacting GP- might be able to sort directly with hospital for you. You have good reasons for requesting a GA. If you do go ahead with having it done in the clinic- then maybe when you get the letter- call them - the person doing mine- phoned me at home and talked me through what would happen - that helped. And if they go ahead and it is too much- then tell them to stop. I was advised to take paracetamol before the procedure so you could also ask about this- and what pain relief they can offer. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • If you have the main switchboard number you can ask to be put through to gynaecology or give the Consultant name and ask to be put through to their secretary. My local hospital is huge but main switchboard always put me through if I named the department I wanted .

  • You may well find that even if you want it under GA you will still be required to attend that hospital appointment and then arrange it from there. You have a right to request it under GA and they won’t say you *have* to go through with it under local. I wanted mine under GA, attended my appointment and said this, but then decided to try under local to save time. The consultant himself decided to halt the procedure as he wasn’t happy with me being in such pain, and I then had it under GA a few weeks later.

  • Im having similar fears. I went to OBGYN for a basic appointment and pap smear results. It was all clear and I was about to leave when I asked about my period ls becoming super light and am I entering menopause or peri? My OB said let's do a transvaginal ultrasound. She sat me down immediately after and said my lining was 19 or 90mm. I can't remember now. It's all been a shock. She tried to do a biopsy right there. But because my cervix is tight from no childbirth she only reached the endocervical canal. That came back negative but the biospy of the uterus is Monday. I have to just go ahead and be put to sleep so they can get past the cervix and I'm terrified of being under anathesia. That's a MAJOR FEAR IVE HAD FOR YEARS. Anyhow, I've been a nervous case since all this and waiting. I went to PCP who did a pelvic exam and I'm super tiny...so he could feel pretty well. He said my uterus felt fine and he did another pap. It came back clear. He did blood work. Clear but the blood work doesn't catch cancer he said. I checked the symptoms online. I don't have any of those except I PEE A LOT BUT I've been peeing a lot for years and years from overreactive bladder. I don't have bleeding or discharge. I don't have pain with sex or anything else. However I did have an extraordinary period in February where the pain was so extreme that narcotics didn't relieve it..it was a pain level of about a 8 out of 10. However that period as bad as it was ended in 5 days and was over. I do have endometriosis so I attributed the bad period to that plus coming off birth control after a year and finally having a bleed after many months. So I don't know. What were other people's early symptoms.