Hysterectomy prep

  • 3 replies
  • 64 subscribers

So, I have endometrial cancer. From what they can tell, it's grade 1 and stage 1b. Hysterectomy is scheduled for the end of May. 

I have 6 weeks to prepare so I feel like I should be doing what I can to get myself into a position to make recovery go as smoothly as possible. 

I'm still doing physio for previous health problems, so when I go next week I'm going to ask about exercise etc. that I can do to get myself strong and ready for the surgery. 

I'm in a decent position because I actually feel quite well at the moment and I'm not bleeding anymore due to my IUD. So I have the energy to do things and the time as well.

Does anybody have any advice on ways I can use these 6 weeks to my advantage? 

  • Hello Lauz9888

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a diagnosis of endometrial cancer. 

    It is good that you are thinking of what you can do to prepare for the surgery and it is a good idea to speak with your physio because of your previous health problems.

    I personally find walking is a good exercise and hopefully the next few weeks will be ones where you can get outside and take advantage of the better weather. I find it good mentally as well. I would suggest starting off slow, short walks and then maybe building up as you get stronger. What about swimming?

    I think anything where you are being active will help- even if it is pottering around in the garden. 

    I would also think about trying to eat healthily where you can and just basically being as fit as you can.

    How are you feeling about everything- sometimes talking things through can help and would also help prepare you. I can recommend the Support Line if you feel it would help. 

    So for me I think its a mixture- being active, eating healthily and addressing any anxiety/emotions. 

    You could also begin to think about practical preparations such as making sure you are able to get to the appointments, to make sure shopping etc is covered. I also did a bit of a Spring clean so that the house was tidy as after the surgery it will be a case of taking it easy. I also cooked some homemade meals to put in the freezer. 

    Hope this helps a bit. 

    I will pop a link for some info that I found helpful when I was first diagnosed.

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    Wishing you the best of luck and if there is anything else you need, please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi

    Its a shock when you hear the word ‘cancer’, I was ‘knocked for six’, but eventually you come to terms with it in your mind and it is very treatable.

    Everything that Jane has said I would do, also I know when I went for my pre-op appointment the nurse advised me not to drink alcohol for 10 days before the operation as you recover better from the anaesthetic and the surgery, also it is not advisable to drink alcohol for a few weeks after surgery.  That’s if you do drink alcohol.

    The waiting is the worst, as you just went to get it over and done with.  Try and keep busy and don’t over think things.

    Good luck with your surgery and let us know how you get on.


  • Hi I did go for lots of walks but was told to stop swimming in case I picked up something before the op but that was when I had the pre op and it was going to be 8 days later, they said to avoid crowded places shops due to covid etc and to eat eat eat to get the energy up they said eat what you like but try to eat nourishing foods x I had lots of greens etc