Ultrasound says further investigation needed but when ??

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Hi ,I’m 53 post menopausal ,had partial hysterectomy 9 years ago due to heavy periods .Ovaries and cervix kept .Around 3 years later started having menopause symptoms but covid and was worried about HRT but they slowly got worse especially the fatigue and no energy so thought give HRT a go .Been on estrogen gel and in last year testosterone which helped with joint pain,night sweats but still no energy ,fatigue ,badder and bowel trouble and in last few months severe pelvic pain and a clear discharge but now it’s pink .

Kept going to doc told ibs ,uti even sleep apnea and insomnia due to trouble sleeping until a different doc examined me and referred me for ultrasound and did the ca125 which came back at 27 which is within normal range .The radiographer said I would be referred gynae as I had a thickened endometrial lining and bulky cervical stump .Doc phoned said an urgent ct scan had been requested and gynae would be in touch .That  two weeks ago .I said I thought I didn’t have a uterus and was told residual endometrial lining had been left during hysterectomy and that I have endometriosis (not once was I ever told this in the past or told because of this I should be on progesterone should be taken ) 

sorry for my long winded post but how without biopsy s can they tell as I have all the classic symptoms and to suddenly say due to endometriosis there is about an 8 year wait for diagnosis for this in Scotland so am I to wait years before I get a ct scan and I feel awful I can barely eat without feeling full up ,my stomach is so bloated I look 9 months pregnant and so much pain and no energy but feel like I’m going crazy and docs think I’m a hypochondriac every time I attempt to contact them .

Have a gp calling on Monday am I right in asking why no biopsies being done before a ct scan and that I would like this done sooner rather than later .

Thank you for any help and advice you can give me as just feeling a bit let down by health service just now the one time I feel I really need help 

  • Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time. When I was told I had a thickened womb lining, found on ultrasound and tvs I was then sent for a hysteroscopy/biopsy under the 2 week referral. This 2 week referral turned into an almost 2 month referral. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought that a hysteroscopy to look at your womb(if you still have one)was needed and the biopsy is the only way to definitely diagnose anything. Ct scans are used for grading if anything is diagnosed.  

    Many other ladies on here will have more I information than me so hopefully they can give more advice.  If I  was you I'd definitely be asking GP about biopsy and pushing to be seen more quickly. 

    Remember at this point you only have symptoms that can be down to many things....I know it's very worrying. I was an absolute anxious wreck for months but everything came back clear in the end. Please keep us updated. 

  • Hi and thank you for replying .I for the past 9 years was led to believe I had no womb until last week when the radiographer stated I still had the neck of the womb ,cervix and ovaries and that residual endometrios had been left behind during the op which is something I had never been aware of having either until then .I have a call from doctor this morning to go over my scan results so going to ask him about why no biopsy been requested and ct scan first what is reason for this .

    Total confusion about what’s going on inside my ever growing bloated belly .

    Take care and thks again x

  • It might actually come under cervix related opposed to womb I have no idea and I’m sorry if I’m in the wrong forum just rather confused x

  • Hope all goes well with your dr today. If it turns out that it's more cervix related then you can change to that one. Please don't worry.....I felt a complete fraud being on the forum as I hadn't had a confirmed diagnosis but the ladies on here were so kind and helpful they got me through a tough time and I'm sure they'll do the same for you. Everything turned out well for me.

    I still come on the forum to check how they're doing, that's how I saw your post. 

    Please keep in touch 

  • Hi Eve1064 Its fine to be here, the main thing is that you are getting some support. You can always post in the cervical group later on if you need to. I hope that your call goes well with your doctor today and do let us know how you get on and if there is anything you need. Jane


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi thank you both so much ,still kind of nine the wiser although the gp was very nice if not a bit confused himself as this is a different one I had previously seen .Told my background and that the other go had called with my results and I just wanted to understand why a ct scan was to be done next opposed to a biopsy and what they were thinking was the cause of my symptoms .He read all the emails between the gp,gynae dept at hospital and the radiographer that did the scan and it was basically I have a thickened endometrial lining in my uterus  and cervical stump was the radiographers report but then the gynae dept said that I shouldn’t have a uterus due to partial hysterectomy 9 years ago but happy I have a ct scan to check my symptoms could be related to a non gynae condition and if all was ok in gynae regions no need to see me they said .But now this gp has wrote to say that he thinks they should see me now I mentioned that the discharge I’ve been having is a peachy pink colour along with the other things so just have to wait for my ct appointment ,I did say I could travel to any hospital in Scotland if it meant this could be done quicker but he couldn’t say .Im on the thinking that they believe it’s all down to endocarditis although I cannot think of any problems previously but I did have a coil from the age of 25 until 38 and it was after my last child I was getting sore heavy periods and got the hysterectomy .

    Thanks again and everyone take care

  • Deary me endometriosis not endocarditis Dizzy face‍its late 

  • Morning Eve1064, glad to see you got bit of clarity from the GP.

    Hope you get your ct scan quickly and hopefully get this sorted soon. Take care of yourself.