Tgickness of womb lining

  • 16 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2020 and after chemo, surgery and radiotherapy I finally got the all clear in 2021. I was put on tamoxifen and had my overies and tubes removed, that was a year ago now but 2 weeks ago I started bleeding as if I was having a period, I rang the Dr's and got sent in for an ultrasound the gynaecologist said the lining of my womb was 25mm thick and has booked me in for biopsy (as I couldn't have it done there and then) I am so scared that I am going to get that dreaded news again... I was wondering if anyone had had the lining of the womb that thick and it not be cancer? 

  • Hi, I'm sorry I can't answer your question but are you sure it was tamoxifen that you were put on after you had your ovaries removed or do you mean an aromatase inhibitor, perhaps anastrozole or letrozole?  

  • Hi Sarah yes i was put on tamoxifen it was due to my breast cancer being oestrogen positive and my overies were removed to help prevent the breast cancer coming back. But on reading it seems like tamoxifen can cause the lining of womb to thicken but it seems like it is around 8mm not as much as 25mm like mine has x

  • Hi adinaj there have been a few people who have posted with tamoxifen induced thickening and to my knowledge they were all benign. A friend also had that problem and was fine. I hope your biopsy shows the same. 

  • Hi Papermoon thanks it puts my mind to rest a bit I think when I saw how tgick it was and went onto Dr Google yesterday my head went sideways x

  • Hi, I just wanted to jump in and say Dr Google and I have broken up, he is a negative, confusing and depressing bugger! Last week he gave me prostrate cancer and fleas Rofl Sending my hugs and best wishes xxx 

  • Adina, definitely sack Dr Google! I use only Macmillan, Cancer Research UK and this group. 

  • Hi 

    I have just completed radium for breast cancer. Put in tamoxifen and needed my coil removed May of this year. 
    the coil was fitted because of womb thickening back in 2019 of 11 mm  everything was otherwise fine 

    last month I had a bleed so sent for transvaginal scan. Which now shows a lining if 16 mm. I have now been put in an urgent referral for biopsy. 
    to say I’m scared is an understatement. When I have just been through breast cancer. 
    hope all ok with you Fingers crossed we get through this 

  • . Thank you for making me laugh out loud! Hope the Prostate cancer and fleas clear up soon. LOL

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi . By far the worst thing of this whole business is the endless waiting for tests, then the results, then more tests. We've all been there and know what you're going through. Try not to overthink things, easy to say, impossible to do.

    Once you have your biopsy, you'll probably be referred for a CT scan which will give a clearer picture and your team will plan the way forward. Put your trust in them. Have you been given a CNS yet? Have a chat with her for reassurance.

    ending hugs, Barb xx

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    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi have you had a biopsy done yet. I’m in for mine on Tuesday. I’m praying all is ok. 
    pleas let me know how you get on x