Decisions to make re Brachytherapy and chemo

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  • 83 subscribers

Hi everyone, I’m five weeks post op following total hysterectomy for womb cancer. I’m doing ok and building up my mobility and pottering about the house. My Consultant informed me that all the cancer was removed from my uterus and cervix. Histology reports that it wasn’t detected in my ovaries, Fallopian tubes or lymph glands.

I’ve now got to decide what the next step is for my treatment. External radiotherapy, brachytherapy and/or chemotherapy!

my mind is in a turmoil as to what to decide on. I’ve read all that I can on the subject and side effects. I’d appreciate peoples experiences to help me make a decision x

  • Hi Ambition,

    Welcome to this forum.  It's good to hear you are doing well after your hysterectomy.   What stage and grade was your cancer?  Those are usually the first things to be taken into account when considering further treatment  and I wonder whether your consultant has already told you what the MDT suggested as a suitable course of action and why it was advisable.    

    I was stage 1a and grade 2 and was advised to have external RT and brachytherapy as there was some invasion of the lymphatic system, I gather my age was also taken into account as I was 76 years old at the time.  I did proceed with the treatment as advised because it was explained to me that it should lessen the risk of a recurrence  (but at the same time I was warned that nothing is certain!)  It was time consuming and tiring but I have had little in the way of long term side effects and have just been signed off after 5 years.  

    There have been many discussions on this forum  about post op treatment and I have read that some people who have been given a choice rather than firm advice have found it a tricky decision.   The forum seems quite quiet at the moment - whether it is Covid or Christmas that is occupying people at the moment, I don't  know but I'm sure others will be along soon  to have a chat. 

    Good Luck



    (Class of 2015!)

  • Hello there Ambition. So good to hear you are recovering well from your op.  Do you know what grade and stage you are? I was diagnosed as grade 1 stage 1b, with no spread anywhere.   I had been so hoping not to need any further treatment but as I was stage 1b my surgeon recommended I have three sessions of brachytherapy to cut my chances of a recurrence from 15% to about 5%. He said not everyone chooses to do it.  At the time I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Then I started to do a bit of research and started really worrying about it. I am a fit 69 year old and I was so scared of ending up with bowel or bladder problems because of the treatment.  I got into such a state of worry that I had my first ever panic attack!  

    i was called in to discuss it with my oncologist and right up until I met with him I still couldn’t decide.  He explained to me that the side effects with brachytherapy are much reduced as it is a very targeted  treatment. Also if I had brachytherapy and then at a later stage was unfortunate enough to need further treatment they would have external radiation in reserve.   As I understand it you can only have a certain amount of radiation treatment.  He was very reassuring and in the end I decided to go with what these professionals were recommending and felt like a huge weight had lifted off my shoulders once I made that decision.

    I had three sessions, the last one was November 3rd and I didn’t have any reaction or side effects.  I felt very tired after each session for a few hours, but was fine again by the next day.  That might have been tension, lol! It’s not the most pleasant way of spending a few hours, but it doesnt hurt, it’s just uncomfortable and a bit undignified.  But all the staff looking after me were terrific, and tried to make everything as easy as possible. I haven’t had the "dilators" talk yet, that will be at my first three monthly check. I would say that I think my vagina, which, after menopause, was already as dry as the surface of the moon, has probably got drier.

    So that is my experience so far, I hope it helps you somewhat.  I might add that all hospitals seem to have their own way of doing things, from what I’ve learned from reading on this forum of people's experiences. I would say, trust the professionals and act on their recommendations. 

    I don’t know if you’ve searched this group but a couple of us were having brachytherapy at the same time so there was some discussion about it.


  • Hi Ambition

    Following histology my result was grade 1 stage 1b  but like Oldady I had LVSI.  I wasn't told which treatment to have but the options were Bracytherapy alone or Brachytherapy and external radiotherapy.  After weighing it all up I am having the latter starting with 2 sessions of Brachytherapy 29 and 31 Dec then external radiotherapy for 5 days a week for 5 weeks starting on 7 January.  I decided on this route as felt I would be regretful  if I didn't.

    I know it's a difficult decision to make and hope you can get to the right one for you.

    Good luck x

  • Oh Viv

    What have you done, whenever I look at the moon now I'll think of you!

    Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Ambition

    My journey runs parallel with Viv (Jigsaw33) I was stage 1B,grade 3 no LVSI, Lymph nodes all clear. I was told I was clear of cancer but offered an optional extra, the belt and braces treatment to prevent recurrence so I was offered 3 sessions of Brachytherapy which as Viv said was painless but undignified. Mind you, what we've been through in the last few months - what the heck, bring a friend!

    My sessions ended on 5th November and apart from 1 day with mild diarrhoea no side effects to speak of.

    Hope that helps

    Christmas hugs, Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • FormerMember

    Glad to hear you are recovering well still. I am post op 9 weeks full hysterectomy. Originally diagnosed grade 1 stage 1b and told probably only need op but histology came back grade 1 stage 3a which was a shock at the time. Oncologist recommended 4 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy and 25 sessions of radiotherapy to reduce risk of reoccurrence but as always never any guarantees.
    I also have read up a storm and researched and this group has bees great help. I still have a million questions and queries but due to Covid can only ever chat briefly to the extremely busy nurses bless them on the phone. So I start the first cycle in January as I have decided to go with oncologist recommendation and just hoping for minimal side effects. 
    just keep asking your medical team questions and they will help you make the right decisions for you.
