Lymph nodes

  • 9 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Hi, has anyone had some or all lymph nodes removed.  What was the outcome.  I'm 9 weeks post surgery,  got problems, waiting for a referral to the lymphadema clinic. 

  • Yes, I had 18 lymph nodes removed about 3 weeks after my partial vulvectomy as there were cancer cells in the sentinel lymph nodes.  I had drainage bottles on each side to drain lymph fluid.  Bit uncomfortable at times but not too bad.  When the Consultant decided the fluid had drained enough, he removed them, it took about 5 weeks, 2 of which I was in hospital.  I saw a lymphoedema nurse for about a year afterwards but the lymphoedema was minimal thanks to leaving draining bottles in situ.  Thankfully no cancer cells in any of the lymph nodes removed.  Sandra x

  • I don't know how many I had removed, they were negative anyway. One of the bottles didn't drain much, as it stopped working. I also have numbness in the groin area and thighs. I don't know what my outcome will be, I have trouble with walking too far and standing 

  • I also had a partial vulvectomy and lymph nodes removed in November 2023.. There were no cancerous cells in lymph nodes however my thigh is still numb half way down my left leg as they had to go deeper for lymph nodes on this side and I have minimal lymphoma in this leg. I’ve been given massage techniques to remove swelling in groin but this isn’t helping very much. I was advised there may be nerve damage. I suffer with walking now and have to use a walking stick which I’m self conscious of as I can’t enjoy dancing anymore when and if I do go out with friends as I’m only 58.

  • Im 59 too. Still off work. Even though I'm making good progress, I feel this part is a set back. Do you work? I limp with my right leg, around the knee cap hurts and I know i have nerve damage in my right thigh,  a lot more than the left thigh. The left side didn't drain much, maybe that's where the fluid is. It's a dull ache and uncomfortable. I love dancing and going out, at the moment I can't, I have to lie down at night as I'm uncomfortable 

  • Forgot to say, i had a full radical vulvectomy with a total skinning of the opening of the vagina, as I had Lichen Sclerosus 

  • Yes exactly the same!! I was off sick from work following my operation and then was made redundant with 100 other employees in June 2024 and have been unable to work since as there has been a complifation with my operation. I developed an infection which led to a rectovaginal fistula and am now in discussions with recto surgeon to have temporary colostomy bag, then wait 3-4 months before operatoon to repair the fistula and once that’s resolved another operation to reverse the stoma bag……all of which I’ve  been told may or may not work!! I also have arthritis in my hips and knees which the groin nerve damage isn’t helping!! I feel like my normal life has been swept away from under my feet. Although I feel a fraud as I was lucky not to require further treatment for my cancer thankfully 

  • MY mom also suffered with lichen sclerosis too

  • Sorry to hear all you have and going through. I feel the same, my life is on hold

  • That's what caused my cancer