Waiting for biopsy

  • 8 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi everyone. I’m new to this form. I had breast cancer three years ago and now I’ve been fast tracked to check for vulva cancer. I’m terrified. I don’t have a lump but I have suffered from recurrent itchiness and I have a red patch with thicker edges on my labia minora. I don’t know how long I’ve had it as my husband only noticed as couple of months ago. It took me a month to get a doctors appointment and she had fast tracked me. I’m going for a consult and biopsy on Friday and honestly I’m so scared that as I haven’t noticed it it’s invading everywhere. Doom and gloom at the moment.  After the breast cancer my head is going straight there. Has anyone else had this red patch/ulcer?  It’s not sore at all but it’s still scaring me. Thanks for any advice x

  • Hi Imarah, 

    Im sorry to hear your news. As you’re having the biopsy done I would wait for your results before assuming the worst. It could be one of two things by the sounds of how you’re describing it. I had what’s you’re describing and it looked something like a mouth ulcer on my vulva and I had vulva cancer but after removing the area and both groin lymph nodes I didn’t need further treatment as it was grade 1B cancer, so hadn’t spread to lymph nodes. My mother also has something that looks like this but hers isn’t cancer but it’s something called Lichen Sclerosis with is itchy and white patchy lumps on external vulva and labia minora  so hopefully you could have this which is treated with ointments only. 

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping it’s not cancerous. 
    This site has helped me as people know what you’re dealing with so feel free to talk when needed on here

    take care

  • Hi Debs1311. Thx for your reply. Good to hear you and your mum are doing ok. Hopefully as you suggest I might have something else going on down there. It’s just after the breast cancer I’m finding it hard to think of anything else. Going to try to think a bit more positively though. 

  • Hi, I was in the same boat, what I thought was vaginal thrush which I had for months, dr kept giving me creams etc over the phone, I finally got an appointment and he then fast tracked me for a biopsy,  he told me that he was 90% cancer.

    My cancer biopsy came back has a grade 2 but mine was attached to my annus,  saw gynaecology and they explained that if they operated I would be left with a stoma bag,  I finally agreed to have chemo for 5 weeks, and radiotherapy 5 days a week for 6 weeks, 

    It was OK until I finished treatment,  but was left with radiation burns, I've been treated with creams,,I'm now 7 months since treatment and tge oncologist have said tge tumour has gone, I'm now on 3 monthly check ups for 5 years.

    Just take 1 day at a time, hopefully you will get your results quickly,  mine was only 6 days , 

    Good luck xx

  • Hello Imarah,

    I am sorry you are going through this worry, especially after your breast cancer.  I won’t tell you not to worry, for I know you are.  It is the not knowing which is hard.  I hope your biopsy goes ok.  I was advised to wear a sanitary pad after, in case of minor bleeding. (Which there was)

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are, there will always be someone here to help.

    sending love.

  • So sorry for you horrible journey. I’m just hoping it will go ok. 

  • Thank you for your words and for the advice. I’ll make sure I’ve got one with me for straight after. I am worrying but I expect everyone does. I’ll keep in touch x

  • You are welcome, yes I am an eternal worrier but it is normal I expect.  Will be thinking of you.