Possible vulvar cancer

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  • 25 subscribers

Hi I am wondering if any of my symptoms resemble anyone else’s. I was diagnosed with lichen sclerosus in 2020 (not biopsied) and treated with dermovate cream. I have used this for last 4 years when symptoms arose. I got Mirena coil removed in March this year and asked doctor to check my lichen sclerosus and she then prescribed me topical oestrogen along side my dermovate with a follow up appointment 8 weeks later.Doctor still wasn’t happy with how I was healing and showed me exactly where area was, I think she maybe thought I wasn’t applying cream to correct but and so asked for me to return again after 4 weeks. It still hadn’t healed and I have an urgent referral for gynecology on 23rd July. Having a proper look I have white thickened skin inside labia near vagina which weeps clear liquid and also adjacent to labia I think it’s labia minora a ‘cut’ about 2cm wide and bleeds sometimes. I have times when I think it’s probably nothing serious but other times I’m worrying myself sick and it’s not an easy topic to discuss with people as its in area we aren’t comfortable talking about.

  • Hi, please insist that the Gynae does a biopsy as this is only way to establish if you would have cancer of the vulva. My mother suffers with lichen sclerosis and has done for many years using cream. I’ve suffered with cancer of the vulva and had vulvectomy with bilateral removal of lymph nodes and no further treatment required. I hope you get sorted soon Deb x

  • Hi debs1311 doctor said I’ll need a biopsy but I’ve read online sometimes you need another appointment for this but I’m hoping it’s done at my appointment. Doctor also said I could continue using cream but I’ve also read saying it’s best not to if your getting a biopsy within 4 weeks?? Sorry you’ve had to go through your cancer journey, do you need regular check ups tho?? Did your diagnosis take long? 

  • Hi 69fr, once I had my biopsy, they took this on my first gynae appointment, it was only 2 weeks to diagnosis. I’ve got to have 3 monthly checks with surgeon for 2 years then 6 monthly for following 3 years. Hope you get your diagnosis soon x