Bartolins Gland.

  • 2 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi there, I've been posting on the site for a while now I've had a lump inside my vagina causing terrible pain and post menopausal bleeding. After finally getting a Gynae appointment I was told it's a Bartolins Gland Cyst. I've had one before on the other side, drained and stitched open, this one feels nothing like it. Apparently they won't do anything with it unless it becomes hard and infected?! So it's just continuing to grow. I've had pain in my groin area, around my anal area and back off my thigh but no one's listening to me. I'm supposed to be getting another appointment in 2 mths time with a possible scope into the womb but I honestly can't see there being any rush on it now. I didn't even realise that this type off cancer existed...I wish with my age and symptoms they would biopsy it, it has a firm component which is continuing to grow and a watery cyst like balloon covering it. It has never burst or leaked, it just keeps growing and it retrospect it's been there for at least 3 yrs!

  • Hi Jayda

    I am sorry to hear that you are having such pain and also had some post menopausal bleeding. 

    The gynaecologist that you saw may indeed be right and it is a Bartolins Gland Cyst but I can see you are still very concerned. Did the gynaecologist to any sort of biopsy on the lump? 

    My feeling is to go to your GP or even practice nurse- and talk to them about your worries. To make a list of questions for them saying that you respect the opinion of the gynaecologist you saw but you are really worried and would like some clarification. 

    I would be thinking of something along the lines of............

    - you have had post menopausal bleeding and should you not be given an urgent referral for the hysteroscopy and possible biopsy of your endometrium. Post menopausal bleeding is normally an urgent referral and if you were referred I would expect you to be given a transvaginal ultrasound scan with two weeks. And if there was a concern about the thickness of your womb lining etc then a biopsy/hysteroscopy would be done urgently. Waiting for another 2 months would worry me. I had a heavy bleed, was seen the same day and within 2 weeks I had ultrasound scans, biopsy and CT scan. There are different reasons for post menopausal bleeding but it is something that needs investigating further. PMB would be unlikely to be connected to the cyst?

    -you have previously had a Bartolins cyst and it felt very different. It is your body and you know when something doesn't feel right.

    - can the cyst not be drained as before and if not why?

    - it is continuing to grow- how big would it have to get for them to remove/drain it? And if it is left as it is could it not burst and become infected so would it not be better to do something now?

    -You have pain in your groin, around your anus and back of your thigh. Would this definitely be caused by the Bartolin's cyst or could it have another cause. Could some of the pain (particularly your thigh ) be connected to the PMB.

    -It has not gone away on it's own after 3 years so clearly not likely to? So would it not be better to intervene now, have it removed and biopsied. 

    - Explain what your main worry is- if you are concerned about vulva cancer- ask directly "Could it be connected to vulva cancer?" Then you are addressing your main fear and everyone is on the same page so to speak. 

    -Would the GP be willing to put you on an urgent referral due to the post menopausal bleeding, pain and cyst. And could they take some bloods to check on general health (am thinking if it is a cyst, why is it taking so long to heal) and also to look for any gynaecological cancer markers. If these were raised then they would not necessarily indicate cancer is present but that further investigation would be advisable. 

    -I would also ask someone to take a look and show them that although there is a watery cyst like part that you can also feel a hard lump. Ask whether the hard lump is normal with a cyst. 

    -You could also ask them to explain the pain. You can say that you have had a cyst before and this pain is different and how it is different. Ask how you would know if it became infected- it's already painful- so does this not suggest infection? You could also ask why there is pain around your bottom and back of thigh- if this is different to before?

    I hope this helps a bit. I am not saying that I think this is a cancer and the gynaecologist is very probably right about a cyst. They are the experts however you have some worrying symptoms that are distressing and although you have been seen, you haven't really been given the answers you need or the reassurance you need. You should not have to manage this pain and something needs sorting.

    During my diagnosis (I had endometrial cancer) I did contact my GP a few times and he was able to intervene for me and get me answers. Your doctor should have been sent a report from your gynaecology appointment and should be able to go through things with you. 

    If you want to talk things through first then perhaps give the Support Line a call and speak with one of the nurses. They would also be able to go through any medical questions with you. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • That's brilliant I wouldn't have even thought of asking half those things! Just this morning I got a second appointment for the end of the month marked urgent referral...So hopefully I'll get some more answers. Thanks!