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Hi everyone I'm Tracey and recently got diagnosed with vulva cancer after many appointments to determine what it was. I'm due to have surgery on Tuesday coming and was just wondering how people coped in their recoveries from this? Has anyone had to be fitted with a stoma? As one of my lumps is right in the perineum area the doctor said I might have to wear a stoma for recovery which scared me alot,any advice would be appreciated...ty for reading and I wish u all well :-)

  • Hi  and welcome to the group.

    I was in a bit of a different situation as I had cervical cancer but I have had my vagina removed, and I do have 2 stomas so I know a bit of what surgery is like in this area! 

    I’m assuming you are referring to a colostomy when you talk about a stoma, since you mention the perineum area. This is what I have, along with a urostomy as I also had my bladder removed at the same time. My stomas are both permanent but I’m not sure if you might be having a stoma which could be reversed in the future? You mention it being for recovery? 

    The stoma is formed from your colon being brought out through a hole in your abdomen, and you would need to wear a bag/pouch to collect poo. It sounds very scary, but for me the thought was worse than the reality and my focus was on getting rid of my cancer.

    I know my surgery was different to the surgery you are about to undergo, but if I can help with any questions especially relating to the stoma, please just ask. I hope your surgery goes well-one of the things I will try and reassure you about is that any pain will be very well managed.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Ty for your reply you have been through so much! I was utterly gobsmacked when I read your profile,I'm so glad you are better now :-) its made me less nervous about the possibility of a stoma now. Wishing you all the very best and hope we speak again...just finding my way around the site :-)

  • It can be a job to navigate round the site when you first join, but I’ll be happy to help if you need any guidance. You’ll soon get the hang of it! 

    We also have a Stoma Support Group you can join and there’s lots of useful advice there-with a special subgroup dealing with stoma reversal. If you click on this link I’ve made it will take you directly there-

    Stoma Support Group

    Please keep chatting and ask as many questions as you like both here and in the stoma group as there will always be someone who can help or offer advice. No question is a silly question if you don’t know the answer, and those who us who have been through these types of surgery are welcoming and understanding of the worry felt by those new to this. Nothing is too much information, and we will help as much as we can based on our own experiences.

    It’s a very daunting time going through surgery, particularly in such a personal area, and it can be really helpful to speak to people who understand what it’s like. Hopefully you’ll find the community a welcoming, friendly and supportive place to be. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Ty so much Sarah :-) I shall look into the stoma support group :-) x

  • Hi Tracey, I was diagnosed last year and had my op august 22. Had to have another op in the October 22 to remove lymph nodes as the tumour had grown to 2.8 mm and was a precautionary measure. Have been cancer free for a year now. I did not have any chemo or radiotherapy just removal of the tumour so was very lucky. I would say the best advice I had was given by my cancer support worker in the hospital, try to avoid wearing any underwear, water a dress or skirt and let the air get to the area. Always douche everytime you go to the loo as it is so easy to get an infection and a lot of ladies do. Just follow everything they tell you and you will be fine. Recovery and return to work should be 6 weeks. I was ready to go back then but my second op was coming up.  Good luck for you op and if I can help with anything else just message me.

  • Ty Sharon I'm back home now after my op,last night was the worst by far but I think I've managed to get the pain under control, been trying to stay strong all this time but it all hit me last night and I was thinking "holy sh*t" So glad u are cancer free :-) I think they took 3mm away in one area and 2 in the other...when did u feel back to normal (ish) about the pain? I always thought I had a high pain threshold until this,it really has shocked me,ty for ur reply x

  • I too am waiting to be admitted for the exact operation and like you my cancer is near my perineum too. A stoma bag is my worse dread as my mom has recently been fitted with one as  part of a life saving bowel operation. It’s the thought of it that scares me the most as I still work full time and know how it’s affecting my moms life atm. She’s struggling to cope with changing the bags and cleaning it, luckily she has my younger sister to help her out.I hope you don’t need one and recover well from your op x

  • Hi Tee, glad you op went well and you are home. I had my op on the Tuesday and came home on the Friday. I had the tumour removed plus some skin on the other side as the surgeon did not like the look of it! Got to say I did not have any pain at all and I have a very low pain threshold. I even stopped the pain killers when I got home. I had my op at the Royal London Whitechapel and they offered me Reiki (distant healing) which I took them up on and had a session in hospital after my op.  I found this was a great help and as I suffer from anxiety they made up a special inhaler for me and it brought my stress levels right down. I felt really well when I got home and let the air get to it as much as possible, I was lucky as it was summer time and we sat in the garden.  Just make sure you keep douching after passing urine this will keep any infection away. I must admit I only popped out for a couple of hours after the first two weeks as I did not want to use anyone’s toilet. Don’t suffer the pain in silence contact the hospital or you GP. Please let me know how you get on. X

  • Ty Sharon im finally feeling better and can now tolerate the pain which is only slight now :-) alot of sleep helped :-) ty for your reply and I hope ur well :-) x

  • Hi Debs I can totally understand about the stoma bag its what scared me the most! All went well with the op and they said they got it all,but I find out for definite in 2 weeks,I'm very lucky I didn't need a far I haven't needed a poo but I would rather it be that way for a few more days,we always think of the worst case scenario don't we? When do u get ur op? I hope it goes well and u don't need a bag,it's so nerve wracking but once u wake up from the operation u will feel so much relief honestly  :-) lots of love x