Radical vulvectomy on Tuesday 20th June

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Hello, This s my first post but I have visited here a few times.

I have my operation next week 20th June 2023

I struggle with severe anxiety and, as you can imagine, it is through the roof now.  I am not worried about the operation as I fully trust my surgeon but am worried about the after effects.  Keeping clean after going to the toilet, How will I manage to sit down comfortably.   
Did you use a rubber ring to sit on?  If so, which is the best one to buy in the U.K.

It is the little things that worry me.  I just want it all to be over.

  • Hi. I had my surgery in March and felt the same way.  Keeping clean is actually fairly easy as you’ll be having daily iodine baths and they give you a gel cream to use on the area twice a day. I was quite numb down there and still at to an extent (which I was very grateful for)

    I bought a coccyx cushion to use after surgery but didn’t end up using it. They will give you lots of support and advice on how to look after your wounds.  If you struggle getting in and out of the bath when you get home, order a Sits Bath that can go on top of the toilet.  It helped me a lot. Happy to answer any other questions 

    1. Thank you Pippa75,I am so grateful for your response.  I did order a Sitz bath and have it ready, as I cannot get in or out of the bath now.  Ok to shower though. I am sure I will get lots of information but it doesn’t stop me overthinking.
    • I hope all is going well for you
  • Hi I understand your anxiety I was a mess before my op I mentally said goodbye I thought I wouldn't make it I was so scared. 

    you don't say what you're op is but mine was a vulvectomy. 

    I can only tell you about the after effects that happened to me firstly I was worried about urinating but I had no pain whatsoever .I had very little pain after surgery I didn't even need paracetamol after the first few days. I had to lay flat or at a 30 degree angle for a few weeks as to not put pressure on my surgery site. Buy antibacterial wipes and take them with you to the toilet and wipe over the seat before you go 

    try and wash the area after you do a no 2

    easier said than done in hospital but try.

    Also I did all this and I still got infections but your hospital knows how to handle this they have some amazing super-duper antibiotics just for people like us.

    I was a week in hospital after surgery but as I say we are all individuals. I was visited by a occupational therapist at home soon afterwards and they put in some equipment to help afterwards like a platform to help get into my bath and a rail next to my bed.

    Looking back , the condition of my Vulva and the pain I was in constantly was so so much worse than anything after surgery. Saying that recovery is slow mentally and physically. 

    It's hard to imagine but surgery saved my life and liberated me if I'd known before what I know now I would have looked forward to my operation day.

    I wish you well and if you need anything else just ask.

    Ii had

  • Thank you for your response, mine is a radical vulvectomy, removal of outer and one inner labia and the clitoris. Yes I am worried about urinating and cleanliness  after an No. 2 and they said I would probably have a catheter and lymph node drains.  I will enquire about a platform for getting in the bath as our shower is over the bath.  At 73 my knees don’t let me get up out of a chair properly.  I am sure I am worrying over nothing.  At least if there is any after pain, I am on the right side of the operation and the bl@@dy cancer will have gone.  

  • I lost my Clitoris too and part of my urethra. Cancer has taken these things away from me and it's a lot to swallow. 

    But in my various spells in hospital I met so many other women all with stories about Cancer we are not alone. It's normal to be scared how could you not be, but also hold hope in your heart that surgery is the first step on the road away from your Cancer.

  • I am trying to remain positive x

  • Hi  

    Your anxiety is totally understandable. 

    I didn’t have a rubber ring. What I found most useful is loose, comfy clothing. Something to rinse the area after toileting is also a good idea. The hospital gave me a giant syringe, but I’ve known many women to use a peri bottle which can be purchased from Amazon. 

    Good luck, I hope all goes well. I am here if you want to chat or have any questions. 

    Vulval cancer warrior xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for your response, will look on Amazon to see about a Peri bottle.  I was advised to wear loose fitting clothes, mainly skirts to let the air get to the area.  I am sure I will have lots of good advice from the medical team,  but like to hear from all who have gone through it themselves.  Thanks again.

  • I had a partial vulvectomy and lymph nodes removed in both left and right sides. I was sent home with drains in and also catheter for 3 weeks. I had problems with an infection in my left drainage hole so was put in VERY strong antibiotics which caused me to have upset stomach so I ended up in the shower after doing a no 2 as this was the easiest way to keep the operation site clean. Plus one of my dissolvable stitches came out too soon leaving a large hole next to my back passage so faeces went in there too. I’m now 8 weeks post op and I’m 90% better than I was. I’ve had the results from my lymph node’s and the cancer hasn’t spread so no further treatment required however I’m still healing slowly. I hope you’re feeling better soon 

  • Hi Debs 1311 I had my radical vulvectomy and bi-lateral sentinel lymph nodes removed in June.  Fortunately I didn’t need any further treatment either and didn’t come home with any drains.  The healing seemed to take ages but now all is well physically.  I am finding it hard to come to terms with the change in my body and it messes with your head.  I suppose it will sore itself out in time.  I still have to have regular checkups for 5 years.  Just trying to remain positive.  I hope your healing continues.