Recovery after vulva and lymph node removal

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Hi had vulva operation in March to be told I had cancer. Said margins were good, but would be best to remove groin lymph nodes on both side which happened in June. Got a clear which was great, ended with infection and drains didn't work properly. Wasn't great for about 3 weeks after operation. Its now September and still feeling tired, legs and groin sore if I do too much. Also very weepy at times. When should I feel like my old self again. Thanks for listening x

  • Hi I am exactly the same as you I got a biopsy in may had the full operation start of June lymph nodes all taken and were clear but the trauma I’ve been through has been so traumatic infection after infection swollen legs fluid  in abdomen very heavy at time walking difficult as pressure on left side wound which is still open a little and still leaking is horrible. This was never explained to me at the time that this could happen. I had a build up of fluid for 3 days after my staples were removed and then the wounds burst open it’s been one hell of a ride,I try to set goals on my recovery so far so good but last week I was rushed to a+e as a blood clot was thought to be I. My leg turn out was ok just another infection I know your pain but we will get there x

  • Thanks for your reply, my work wants to know when I'll be coming back. At the moment couldn't face work, do some housework and can't move the next day. Would love to know if this is normal and how long it takes to fully get back to normal. 

  • I’m due to have the same operation to remove vulvar and lymph nodes at the end of this month. I’ve done extensive research on Google Scholar, and even after checking various medical research papers, it states around 85% of people suffer complications after surgery, but I’ve been given the impression I’m going to be absolutely fine. Out of hospital in a couple of days, drains in for only 24/48 hours (which again goes against advice on published medical papers I’ve read,) and that I’ll be fine and basically back to myself within 6 weeks! Fingers crossed. I’ll let you know in a few months. So sorry you are not doing well. Hope you feel better soon. X

  • Hi lovely all the research you get so confused.drains after nodes removal is normally 7-10 days once the fluid is at its minimum so personally I would ask them for a better explanation I just seem to be in the 1% that had all the complications. It could possibly the area you are living in maybe. If you don’t mind me asking what area are you from. One thing my surgeon wouldn’t let me home until she knew I was fit. It’s a horrendous operation I won’t lie not a lot of afterpain more uncomfortable. Than anything if you want to ask me anything I’m here for you. X

  • Hope everything goes well, I was in hospital for 11 days had drains in for 14 days. Ended up with infection but everyone is different. X

  • Thank you lovely lady. Everyone has been lovely on here. I’m in East Yorkshire in England, and my surgery will be at Castle Hill in Hull on the 26th September. I’m 46 years old. I was also very clueless until the last few years about HPV which is the cause of my cancer. And I’m very clued up about those kind of things, and for 5 years I had a full sexual health screening every 6 months, and they never checked for that or ever mentioned it? Strange. It’s like it’s just popped up literally in the last few years, like from nowhere. 

  • Hi 

    I had my surgery in June at Castle Hill I had anterior vulvectomy and lymph node removal on both sides. My right side is still open about1.5cm not a lot but lEaling fluid am going to get the dressing changed everyday at wound clinic. No indication as to o when this will stop and close hopefully will be before radiotherapy starts. I have been off work since I had my first surgery in February to remove the original wart like lump that started all this. I am still struggling with mobility it is really getting me down now

  • I know how you feel I had mine in Aberdeen still have open wound been back at work a few weeks on a phased return but need to lie down in afternoon with legs up elevated due to swelling on the left side leg,wound area I had nurse everyday and many infections calls to surgeon and tissue specialists it’s been a long haul and still I know it will take a few more months to recover it gets me down as people don’t understand what. I’ve been through physically and mentally its draining.,I was lucky I didn’t need further treatment as wouldn’t be able to start until wound healed. Never did I imagine it to be like this I hope you feel better soon together we all know what we have been through and time we will heal and get better x

  • You poor lady. My surgery will be performed by a lady called Susanne Booth. Is that the lady who did your operation? Did she treat you well? And how long did you have your drains in for please? I’ve heard that Susanne Booth is very nice, so I’m hoping she can put my mind at rest before my operation and answer some of my questions. I’m so worried. I hope I’ll still be able to take my dog out for walks when I’m better. Little things like that are bothering me as much as the big stuff! Were you able to manage to climb stairs after your operation please? Same questions to the lovely Grannym as well. I thought I would need a bed downstairs while recovering, as we have 2 flights of stairs, but I have been assured that I’ll be able to do it no problem literally a few days after my operation? The health people I have asked have been quite blasé about my concerns around the amount of problems people get after this and similar operations, as I’ve read it’s 85% of people who suffer issues following the procedure, but they have watered down my concerns as maybe a bit OTT I think. Their giving me the impression this is gonna be plain sailing, and I have nothing to worry about, but I’m still not 100% convinced. Much love to you. 

  • Hi my surgery was done by. Dr Flynn part of the same team I have seeen Miss Booth since my surgery and she is lovely. I had a drain at each side they both fell out the night of the op they were not put back in. When I went home after 4 days I just did manage to drag myself upstairs we have 2 flights but I only went up one sleeping in a different room on that floor for a week I did not go downstairs I moved from bedroom to bathroom and that was it. I felt very weak and was just not confident in tackling the stairs. I still now struggle a bit but more so with getting in and out of the car. I never thought that recovery would be this long. I have not driven the car either since my surgery. I will get there in the end that is what I keep telling myself. I start my radiotherapy at beginning of October hopefully the open leaking wound will be closed. Take care and don’t worry everyone is different.