Vin3 and a mass

  • 3 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hello, I am new to the group. I had a biopsy after finding a lump, I went for an gynaeoncology appointment where they told me I had vin 3 and examined the lump. I was sent for a MRI on my following appointment I was told that the original biopsy was not taken from the mass so the vin was found by accident, I am having surgery on Wednesday for the vin 3 but they don't know how much will be removed until then and also a biopsy of the mass will be taken, which means I have to wait for more results. I wondered if anyone has had similar experiences and or advice emotions are all over the place and am really quite scared. Many thanks 

  • Hi GillyB, I was recently diagnosed with Vin 3 and had surgery last Friday 18th March.   I was very much in the dark about my surgery and didn't  know how much would be removed.... but I am really glad its been removed.  Now I have to wait for it to be tested re clear margins.

    For me, everything happened so quick I didn't  have much time to think about how I felt.  I too was really scared and post surgery my emotions are all over the place, but I'm  still happy and relieved I had the surgery.  I never heard of vin until a few weeks ago!!  I  hate waiting for results but can't do anything about that..... prefer to get things sorted.  

    Remember you are not alone and make sure you take good care of yourself.  After surgery wear loose clothing. I've  spent most days in my dressing gown with no underwear!! 

    Hope this helps a little bit.  If you need to chat then feel free to message me.  Blush 

  •  Hello Pariscat,  Thank you so much for responding, it's very helpful to hear from other people whom have experienced this. I hope that your recovery is going well and that when you do get your results it will be good news. I understand that it is awful waiting for results but as you say you can't do anything about that.    Kind regards Gillyb

  • Hello GillyB, Nice to hear from you.  I am  gradually feeling better each day.  I hope your surgery on Wednesday goes ok and the result are good news. Got my fingers crossed for both of us!   Wishing you a good recovery.  Take good care of yourself.  Pariscat